So let's ask a different question: What kind of a society do we want to create?
- Christopher WylieLiberalism is correlated with high openness and low conscientiousness
Psychology TodayConscientiousness... is a fundamental personality trait that influences whether people set and keep long-range goals, deliberate over choices or behave impulsively, and take seriously obligations to others. Conscientiousness is a key ingredient for success
Low conscientiousness people therefore are unable to set and keep long-range goals, they behave impulsively, and do not uphold obligations to others. This is a key ingredient for failure.
Christopher Wylie has shown liberals are typically people of low character with tendencies toward criminal behavior.
Their predisposition towards low character and criminal behavior was also demonstrated in a study that showed 7 in 10 felons register as democrats
What kind of society would I like to create? A society with HIGH levels of conscientiousness. A society where people set and keep long-range goals, behave logically, and take seriously obligations to others. I would like a successful society without Convicted Felons getting an equal vote to honest, hardworking law abiding citizens. A nation where felons are not allowed to vote from prison. A nation where convicted felon's can NOT hold state or federal office. A nation where low-conscientious citizens and illegal aliens are not stealing the property of citizens who worked hard to earn/create that property. A nation where individual rights such as the right to keep and bear arms is respected.
Is that so much to ask????