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by Paladin
Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: CA: No place but California
Replies: 611
Views: 249917

Re: CA: No place but California

police determined Hubbard endangered four of the robbers, hence the four counts of attempted murder.

"Our investigation leads us to believe the owner shot first," Bush said.
the suspects fired back at least once.
One of the get away cars, a white sedan with a rear-end damage, was found abandoned off of Highway 17 northbound near the exit for Pasatiempo. Police say it was stolen from the San Francisco Bay Area.
So in CA armed thieves in the night time aren't threats :confused5

I'm sure the Santa Cruz Police would have done a lot better :roll:
"When they [Santa Cruz Police] robbed us they didn't even collect evidence. We offered it to them and they were like 'Yeah, there's nothing that we can do.'"
Yeah in this case "the authorities" have clearly crossed the line from a waste of taxpayer money to an asset of organized crime.
by Paladin
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:16 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: CA: No place but California
Replies: 611
Views: 249917

Re: CA: No place but California

philip964 wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:10 pm ... r/45840944

Business robbed at night by 8 masked robbers, owner arrives before police and begins shooting at robbers ( he had been robbed before) robbers fire back at least one time. Police review his security footage and charge him with 4 counts of attempted murder.

Robbers escape in at least one stolen car.

So police don’t know who he attempted to murder.

From this and other incidents in CA I get the feeling that crime is being promoted.
You are correct. CA is run by organized crime: Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers
by Paladin
Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:36 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: CA: No place but California
Replies: 611
Views: 249917

Re: CA: No place but California

Rafe wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:40 pm And yet...and yet...the man assaulting the small Asian woman does not appear to be a white supremacist. I had a conversation with a liberal/Democrat friend Monday and the spike in violence against Asian Americans came up. She said instantly that it was a clear example of the huge, and rising, threat of organized, extremist, white supremacy groups, emboldened by the January 6 insurrection.

My comment was that, of all the news items I recall from the past several months of attacks on Asian Americans, most were not perpetrated by "whites" so them being the work of organized white supremacy groups seemed highly unlikely. She knows I news-surf most of the outlets, including CNN and PBS and network news (I admit I can almost never stomach MSNBC for very long, though), but her comeback was that my skewed view of the situation was because all I watch is Fox News.

Not having time to look through recent news stories and capture text and photos, I found this link and sent it to her instead. Michelle Malkin, as a first-generation American and the daughter of Asian parents, has interesting--but not certainly not "woke"--observations about the actual ethnically-targeted violence we've been seeing against Asians in this recent opinion piece in the Norfolk Daily News: ... 12012.html.
When so much information is available it always astounds me how brainwashed people can be. I'm glad Michelle Malkin is speaking out.

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