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by Paladin
Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:00 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Tactical Question about home defense...
Replies: 7
Views: 2471

Re: Tactical Question about home defense...

It's difficult to give one 'correct' answer to home defense.

The saferoom plan, where you just lock the door to the bedroom and call for help seems to be the standard advice. I won't say it's wrong, it can be very effective, but it's only part of the answer.

I like multiple plans, depending on the circumstances.

Evacuation is another plan that is entirely appropriate in certain circumstances... (you have no weapons, home is on fire).

I like the plan of having 'early warning' and meeting the threat as they make entry into your home. That simplifies your problem, as you have information dominance and the defensive edge. Early warning might take the form of a watchdog or audio alarm tied to an external motion sensor/cameras.

Sounds like the doorway to your masterbed is a decent spot for covering the primary entry points. The top of the stairs is an awesome defensive location. In my force-on-force class we tried charging the stairs and defending the stairs. I'll say that charging the stairs against a trained shooter is about the same as suicide.

Doing some room clearing training is worth the money IMHO. If you do clear your home, a good flashlight and making sure you ID your target is key.

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