In the future I may be able to give more details, but for now all I can say is that I've got some inside info on how Car-Carry of a handgun(on or about your person without a CHL) is being currently being handled in Harris County.
If you are stopped by police for any reason, they may ask you if you have a gun. If you've got a CHL, you know what to do. If you don't have a CHL, don't lie, but don't say you've got one. And also, don't consent to a search. It may keep you out of further trouble.
If they find a handgun(on or about your person without a CHL), they will arrest you.
Bond for Unlawful Carry of a Weapon starts at $1,000 in Harris County. Bond is more with any kind of criminal history.
Bail Bondsmen will charge 12% plus fees (Over $200 between bond and fees)
Even if you are legal under the current traveling law, you will be charged with Unlawful Carry of a Weapon. A Class A Misdeamenor punishable by a fine not to exceed $4,000 and/or confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year.
The Prosecutor may plead ignorance as to knowing about any change in the traveling law.
Even if you are completely legal under the new law and have done nothing else, expect the Prosecutor to ask for a guilty plea with time served and to give up your gun forever.
Most people would be rather intimidated by this time.
At this point you need a lawyer or you're going to have a serious conviction on your record. Plan on making lots of trips to the court house as well.
A criminal defense lawyer will probably want several thousand dollars up front for your defense.
I certainly don't agree with any of this, but it's what's going on right now.
The Harris County DA has said "Last year, this office handled about 5,000 weapons cases. I do not expect a decrease in that number because of this change in the law." ... al/3330477
So it would seem that Rosenthal is content to prosecute hundreds-or even-thousands of people per year who are legal under the Texas traveling law.