I think "Gaslighting" is the term for what they are doing. Replacing whites, bragging about it, and denying it when we talk about it.
They are following the classic pattern of abuse:
-Creates a situation that will cause a blowup (i.e. blocking a roadway)
-Labels the victim with generally insulting terms (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc)
-Blames the victim for all the abuser’s troubles and failures (lets face it the Marxists are losers who are looking to blame someone else for their personal failings)
-Yells at the victim
-Threatens physical violence and retaliation against the victim, children or other family members
-Accuses the victim of being violent if victim acts in any way to protect themself
-Questions victim's sense of reality
-Forces economic dependency
-Puts down or denies the victim’s history, heritage, faith, values
-Breaks personal items that have sentimental value to victim as a message that abuser can break victim too
These are sick, evil people we are dealing with.