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by Paladin
Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Cascend: Data Shows Wind-Power Was Chief Culprit Of Texas Grid Collapse
Replies: 8
Views: 3107

Cascend: Data Shows Wind-Power Was Chief Culprit Of Texas Grid Collapse

Interesting breakdown of the electric shortage:

Cascend: Data Shows Wind-Power Was Chief Culprit Of Texas Grid Collapse
The simple 5-step solution according to Cascend:

Winterize equipment

Require power reserve

Connect the Texas grid better

Add solar with storage (storage is key)

And add more natural gas
My personal thought is to go solar. That way I can be sure nobody is going to #1 cut ALL my power or #2 rip me off on my power bill.

They say solar is still 10-25% effective on overcast days. Solar production on the grid was way down for 5 days... but with the thousands of dollars lots of people got charged for a few days of electric solar would pay for itself.

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