The magic of a more in depth investigation or deeper psych evaluation. Isn't the Answer to anything and provide no extra security.
Crazy people are actually pretty good at hiding their symptoms from those whom they want to hide them from. Shrinks are notoriously anti gun and government employed shrinks even more so. Today psychology is more art than real science.Even under today's laws LTSs and LEOs are under pressure not ever see a shrink, doing so would put their rights or jobs in jeopardy. Perhaps these days if we had more laws encouraging folks to get help instead of laying minefields, We might have fewer Vegas shoot up's.
A more in depth investigation?
I remember when I had my security investigation to join the Army I was told it cost an average of $10,000 dollars for each person to get his clearance. It took several months, They interviewed all my neighbors, employers and even the librarian? This was in 70s, and for someone who had the history of a 19 year old who had lived at home. Yeah I don't imagine things are much different today. Yet we still produce folks like Chelsea/Bradley Manning or Julian Assange who were entrusted with something far more dangerous than an automatic weapon. The thing is there is no real way to look inside anyone's brain and know whats going on there. or what will be going on in the future.
We are promised the ability to arm ourselves, not with hunting grade weapons but fully military grade weapons. Yeah, there are things out there for more dangerous than automatic weapons, Things like virii and bacteria, computers fertilizer, fuels, aluminum and files and castor seeds. Shrinks and clearances are a very thin shield to protect us.
and yes, I have run automatic weapons and seen what they can do. I've also seen the damage a couple of people armed with boxcutters can do ..
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- by Liberty
- Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:12 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks
- Replies: 120
- Views: 33846
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