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by Liberty
Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:54 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 76903

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

crazy2medic wrote:My question is how did this guys partner/FTO feel about his rookie shooting past his HEAD! I believe I would have had serious issues with him shooting across my body, shows poor decision making ability!
The whole incident is an exposure of poor training.

The fact that they didn't turn the cameras on automatically is an indication of poor training.
The fact that the senior officer was only a 2 year Veteran and that chief says that there is nothing wrong with that, shows a total lack of respect for experience and the importance of older veterans passing down wisdom and lessons learned to the young. Cops with itchy triggers being a training officer for the rookie. What could go wrong? What kind of bad habits could this rookie have learned from this guy?

The fact that an officer shoots at loud noises? Since when is a loud noise an appropriate target? The 4 safety rules? Be sure of your target? Shooting across your partner? It doesn't sound like the offending officer has spent much time studying safety at the range? Cops with itchy triggers being a training officer for the rookie. What could go wrong? What kind of bad habits could this rookie have learned from this guy.
by Liberty
Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:50 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 76903

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

WTR wrote:I think the most interesting of the racial aspects of this case,will be what a community which allowed the execution of a black man ( MHO) will do to a black Officer that has killed an innocent white subject.
I don't care what color you are, if you live in Minnesota , You really gotta think twice about calling 911 or even pulling over to the side of the road these days. There a them vs us mentality going on. No apologies .. No regrets .. Just arrogant silence.

Maybe in Minnesota, it shouldn't be Black Lives Matter, so much as it should be Citizens Lives Matter.

I don't know what kind of cop schools they have up there, but I never went to cop school, but I was always taught you don't shoot at loud noises, and to know your target. I am pretty sure most reputable training teaches the same. These two morons have the destroyed the reputation of LEO in the area for a long time. A departments reputation and trust is only as good as the worst of them. The good cops will never drag the reputation up as much as the bad ones drag it done.
by Liberty
Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:11 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 76903

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

philip964 wrote:Ruled a homicide.
Doesn't mean much. Just that she was killed by another person. Homicide doesn't mean illegal intent. If someone is killed because of self-defense it's called justifiable homicide.
by Liberty
Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Woman calls 911....Get shot
Replies: 130
Views: 76903

Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot

The Cops probably turn on the cameras when they get out of the car to make contact with a subject. What strikes me as wierd is the cop shot through the door to shoot and kill the lady. Sounds like an ND. Maybe it was a Glock. Cops aren't talking maybe they are are trying to get their stories together.
Philando Castile was killed just about a year ago, in the area. Makes one wonder why they have these issues. Poror training maybe?

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