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by Liberty
Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Once again Yankee marshal strikes
Replies: 36
Views: 8988

Re: Once again Yankee marshal strikes

I am a 9mm guy, I believe that platform is more important than caliber and that platform often determines caliber. We should all carry what and shoot with what we are most comfortable with and what we can shot well with. We also need to keep in mind that every gun and ammo choice is an engineering trade off. Conciderations are size, fit, capacity, effectiveness accuracy, and price.

If I lived in a state where I was limited to a 10 rounds or less, I might choose a 1911 at .45 ACP. If I dressed daily in a suit .380 small pocket gun might be a better choice. If I had small hands the fatness of most 9mm might be a turn off.. This is why we have so many choices, and why no one gun or caliber is best for everyone.

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