From what I have seen this area (Harris County / Galveston) is pretty disciplined during emergencies.. But we are kinda used to it.JALLEN wrote:
I also believe the Forum discourages or forbids advocating unlawful activities or conduct, which using non type accepted or approved radios in FRS and GMRS is. "Well, it's only in emergencies." Right!
It isn't illegal to monitor those frequencies with ham gear, although I think I might have inadvertently implied that one could be used to transmit.
My thought is my cheap amateur handhelds would be monitoring major nets including preset GMRS channels. Most of the handhelds are pretty decent scanners Almost any 2 way communications I would be doing would be on my GMRS sets ( I got 4 of them) unless I were working with one of my emergency groups/clubs. GMRS worked great for me during Ike. Even in the direst of emergencies, there is still plenty of empty bandwidth to be used on 70cm to be used if one works within the simplex bandwidth. Amateur is a pretty lousy way for most family groups to keep contact unless everyone has a license, but it is still pretty handy to monitor what is going on, or to contribute to Emergency services.