Ts in Texas City has .380
They also have 124 grain fmj for 9mm that is loaded for around 1200fps muzzle velocity.
This is similar to NATO loads and my defense loads, and is available at reasonable prices.
Search found 14 matches
- Sun May 16, 2010 6:50 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
- Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:18 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
Let us know what you think of the placeKevinf2349 wrote:Thanks Liberty.
I may just take a trip down there on Friday...probably shoot at TC and then head on down....just browsing, no buying...at least that is what I keep on telling myself![]()
- Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:01 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
I went to the place for the first time Saturday. I found them exceptionally friendly and helpful. I made it clear. They still were very nice and showed me a couple of interesting guns..Kevinf2349 wrote:Hmmm I have never heard of Patriot Arms....is it worth a visit?....not that I get to the island much these days.
2 guns that caught my attention .. a 9mm compact Sig 250 and the had a kewl springfield (sub?)compact 1911. They have new, consignment and used guns. They had a few 9mm Kahrs It is an interesting place I will be back.
- Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:19 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
There was only one box...surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Liberty:
You found some .380, but won't provide the site unless someone PM's you??
Do they have to know the secret handshake too?? :-)
I saw it at Patriot Arms on 61st street in Galveston.. It will probably be there Monday Morning.
- Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:31 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
I saw 1 box of .380 ammo today, anyone interested Galveston or nearby pm me. and I will let you know where.
- Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:46 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
Its dirty and 9MM seems more lightly loaded than WWB works just fine in a 92Fs or Ruger P95. As long as it comes in brass I will shoot it.texagun wrote:Just left Academy at Hwy 26 and 121. Lots of 9 mm and .45 ACP on the shelves. It was all Monarch ammo. The clerk said it was made in Serbia. Is Monarch ammo any good? I didn't buy any of it but prices were good.
- Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:27 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
I understand, I look at it differently though. Shooting makes me happy. The amount of entertainment a box of ammo gives me, makes it a bargain if it was twice the price.03Lightningrocks wrote:
I refuse to pay 12 dollars a box for 9mm wolf or 25 dollars a box for 9mm wwb 50 count. These guys can pound wood for all I care. I would rather use mine as a club than let some smiling charlie gouge me while he acts like he is doing me some kind of favor. In the end, I only "need" enough to fill two magazines with hollow points. Punching holes in paper is fun, but I am real sure I can shoot an assailant at close range quite efficiently and don't truly "need" to practice.
- Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:09 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
This is good news indeed!Kevinf2349 wrote:T's Gun and Ammo has all manner of shells (except 380....but he says he is getting some in on Wednesday(Hallow points too))
It is a fairly new business and is located at...in fact it is so new they haven't got their guns in yet (Due Thursday 7/16)
1829 Loop 197 North
Texas City TX
Open 12-7 Tuesday thru Friday
They had 250 round boxes of 9mm for around $60.
- Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:18 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
Nah sooner or latter folks are going to run out of money and/or room and they will stop hoarding.Abraham wrote:Here's a suggestion: QUIT buying ammo! - Stop panicking.
After awhile, ammo inventory will stabilize and costs will come down.
But, if you prefer to buy every caliber as soon as it's put out, inventory will remain low and cost high.
Your call...
P.S. I haven't bought any ammo in almost a year. (and no, I'm not sitting on a stash either)
- Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:21 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
While the "People are just buying it up" makes plenty of sense to me, What is disturbing is that there is no news on any efforts to relieve the shortage with increased supplies. One would have thought that there would be more ammo imported or manufactured to make up for the shortages. The news media isn't talking much.Commander wrote:I just bought some Monarch Steel 9mm at Academy in Austin (183 @i-35) at $8.99 for 50; I was kind of reluctant as the last time I tried some, I had several FTEs, but it does beat nothing....they also had a few boxes of CCI in 40 and 45.....Back home last week, the guy behind the counter at Wally World ammo counter told me a similar story as related above - "the warehouse is out of ammo" and he didn't know when any would be coming in....At Academy in Mesquite last week, they were out of 9mm (except the NATO), they did have some CCI in 45 which I bought. The guy there said he gets 4 trucks a week and sometimes they have ammo on them and sometimes they don't....I have yet to see any explanation of what is going on with the ammo supply other than people are "just buying it up"...
I went to the range the other day and rationed the amount of ammo that I took with me. I'm trying to replace what I shot before I go to the range again.
- Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:16 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
When you look at the amounts that people are buying when they find it it is very believable it is a hoarding issue. There are some who believe that they need it because the end of the world as we know it is near, and others who believe it is an investment because the price of amm wil surely go up.poppo wrote:
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this ammo situation. When I was at Walmart today looking for 9mm, the guy said the warehouse was out and he didn't expect any more any time soon. With all of the on-line places out of stock too, I have to wonder what the heck is going on. This has to be more than just hording. It's like there is already some super secret ammo ban in place or something.
I hope both schools of thought are wrong.
- Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:58 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
Maybe if we weren't so greedy and stopped buying this stuff the prices would go down. They are maunufacturing and selling more ammo than ever, the ranges don't seem much busier, If we decrease the demand the prices will actually go down.Mike1951 wrote:Supply and demand is fine, but we may not always be on the losing side.
I hold grudges a very long time. Those that take advantage of me now will get no business later.
I am proud of those who have not participated in the downturned Obaman economy.
- Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:50 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
There are those preparing for the end of our world as we know it. Revolution, famine, Mexican takeovers, Space aliens, economic disastors, weapon bans, BATFE raiding churches and homes, Red Chinese invasion, Russian invasion or maybe even a prarrie dog invasion.03Lightningrocks wrote:Interesting. Most of the folks I know who own firearms go to the range for the fun of shooting, not just for practice. This is where i fail to get it. I sure didn't mean to slight you or your years of shooting experience....your in a rather large club. Many of us here have that many or more years not only shooting but also hunting. For me shooting is more of a hobby than a necessity driven activity. Being able to defend myself with my firearms is more of a fringe benefit. I would be sad if I couldn't shoot off a few rounds just for fun now and again.
- Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:50 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: ammo on sale
- Replies: 2528
- Views: 557966
Re: ammo on sale
While you might not like the way he does business. I can't see where he stole anything from anyone. Personally in these rough economic times if he can get the money he will get my admiration although probably not my business.03Lightningrocks wrote:Not in my opinion, it's not. He raised his prices three times the night of the election as the polls came in. Guess we see it two different ways.TheArmedFarmer wrote:It is simple economics; supply and demand. A seller should sell at the price that the market will handle. If his prices are too high, then he won't sell anything. Respectfully, calling him a thief because he, like almost everyone, is raising prices, is unwarranted.03Lightningrocks wrote:LOL....you been paying much attention to his prices? Sorry if he is your buddy or something but the ammo sellers are all ripping folks off right now and that is a fact! He is the worst of the bunch. His prices of just gotten plain stupid.