What surprises me is that a CHLer would disarm another CHLer. That a CHL holder doesn't RESPECT the licence and the RKBA. A service person entering anothers property sets himself up to a dangerous situation. A homeowner should be able to RESPECT that.Right2Carry wrote:To compare me to anti is laughable at best. The fact is I do service jobs on the side and not once would I think about entering someones private residence armed, its a little thing called RESPECT. I don't know how they feel about guns and their home is PRIVATE property, not a public business.
You definately have a right to deny anyone into your home. If you feel that way you should make up some cards or paper with 30.06 wording and hand it to the service personell. I would not enter your property. I would not allow anyone who works for me to enter your property. Anyone who attempts to disarm me is threatening me and is a danger to me. I will not expose my self to unnecessary danger. Your private property is a much more threatening place to me than public places.Right2Carry wrote: The problem as I see it is some of the people on this forum want to be RESPECTED for their right, but seem to have a problem with RESPECTING others and their rights.
Unless you own your own company or work for a small time operation I doubt company policy allows you to carry into a customers home.
I would feel awful that I exposed my handgun .. But I would feel awful that I were to flash in Walmart. I do not know what kind of company you work for, but not every company is anti gun. Most service companys are small, or even owner operatated. Many of these service companys are subcontractors for larger companys. I would think it is very unwise to go into a strangers home unarmed.Right2Carry wrote: How would you feel if you printed or exposed your firearm and the homeowner then requests that you leave because they don't like firearms. What do you think is going to happen when they call asking for another appointment and requesting a different service person. I think the minute they state the service person was armed in their house, the company will immediately say it is against their policy and said service person will be looking for a new job.
The pizza delivery guy doesn't have to go inside! I will not work in any place where my safety is not RESPECTED.Right2Carry wrote: IMHO this whole issue revolves around RESPECT. Just because I have a CHL doesn't mean it is always wise to carry a weapon. I asked in another post for someone to provide statistics on how many service personel have been robbed, killed, raped, murdered, while on a call in someones house. Pizza drivers are excluded because they are in a different category.
I don not understand how my safety has anything to do with any respect (or lack of respect)I might have for the homeowner. When you ask me to disarm you ask me to expose myself to danger.
A business is a safer place to go than someones home. More witnesses. I won't go to 30.06 busineses either.Right2Carry wrote: Show me some statistics that say repair personel are at a high risk of being attacked by homeowners.
I guess I am an anti because I think a mans home is his CASTLE. I think some of the people on here are confusing a business that serves the public with a persons PRIVATE HOME.
I have no respect for any business or persons that want to disarm me and has no RESPECT for my safety. I will gladly not do business with them.Right2Carry wrote: I guess I just have more respect for the people who I provide a service to than others do. IMHO, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN, DOESN'T MEAN YOU ALWAYS SHOULD.