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by Liberty
Sun May 13, 2007 11:27 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shelby County Man charged with murder for defending property
Replies: 21
Views: 5777

KBCraig wrote: I found it ironic that the one person who did try to block the Virginia Tech gunman's way was a professor who had survived the Holocaust, a man who, I am quite sure, had looked insanity in the eye before and survived. He understood that inaction meant death. This is also what must have finally occurred to the passengers on United Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001, when they chose to fight back. Even though they died, they died fighting and on their terms.

We have got to stop sticking our heads and our children's heads in the sand, pretending evil does not exist. Unless we recover the fight-back spirit buried inside ourselves and pass it own to our kids, we are doomed. No one can predict or stop the next horrendous act that will surely come to be. What we can do is assure that our survival instincts will lower the number of victims.

What other choice do we have?

Billie Louden ( is a deputy sheriff in Denver and an Army veteran.
I believe it is important to remember hero's and tell their story. Liviu Librescu, 76, a Holocaust survivor who lived in Eastern Europe and Israel before adopting the U.S. as his own. Librescu taught at Virginia Tech for 20 years, and was an internationally known lecturer on aeronautical engineering. His life and heroism deserves to be remembered. Someday Hollywood will make a movie. It will probably be about Cho Seung-Hui, not about Liviu Librescu, and that will be a shame.
by Liberty
Sat May 12, 2007 7:30 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shelby County Man charged with murder for defending property
Replies: 21
Views: 5777

rbraughn wrote:Even though you can use deadly force at nighttime in this type of situation, I personally could never shoot someone over my (unoccupied ) vehicle. That is what insurance is for. I can buy another or fix it...Taking a life over a Stereo or hubcaps/wheels in my opinion is not worth it
I agree that its not worth plain outright shooting someone to protect our hubcaps, but ..

I don't think if I would just stand and watch someone vandalize, steal or destroy my property either. There could be a confrontation, I would be armed. How it plays out really depends on the criminal. I wouldn't see this as shooting someone over a hubcap. Others might.

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