This might be true today, but the original ones without the assist were called Mattel Jamomatics for a reason, jungle fighting is tough conditions to keep clean for man or gun. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong didn't seem to have the same problems with their rifles.bdickens wrote:Every - and I mean EVERY - malfunction Of an M-16 I ever saw in 7 1/2 years of active duty was caused by a dirty weapon. I can't believe that the old saw about the M-16/ AR-15 being prone to jam is still going around after more than 40 years. If you keep it clean, that platform is absolutely reliable.
While I wasn't around M16s much, but I saw them Jam up real tight so that they couldn't be cleared at thew range, All the guns in my units were cleaned and inspected before they were allowed to be put away. the A1s were supposed to better, but a lot of soldiers got killed before they did.., Most Vietnam vets hated the 16 but had a lot of respect for the enemy's rifles.