I'm glad that not everyone feels that way.Eddie2612 wrote:Scams like this have been going on for years (the Nigerian check cashing scam = same thing, different twist).. that's to bad..
I would never sign a check, deposit a check, write checks for any "friend"... I hate to sound harsh but that is not my responsibility.. if my "friend" had screwed up and was no longer eligible to have a checking account - he is going to have to "pay the price" for the inconvienience of not having an account.. I've had friends ask me for things that I didn't agree with - I just let them know that while I appreciate the circumstances that they are dealing with - Im unable to "assist" because they are going to pay the price for earlier actions that have resulted in the current situation..
I was once in the position of moving back to my home town. Although I had a promised job, I had no local bank accounts, no home yet. a 3 month old baby, and some checks to cash. Fortunately I had friend sand family that helped while I got established again in civilian society. Reestablishing oneself in the 70s from the military was a fairly tough experiance. Those who had supportive and helpful friends and family found it a little easier. It probably isn't any easier today.
Seems as though its worth taking a chance sometimes on our friends and family members. Sometimes we have to weigh the good we can do against the bad that exists.