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by TXlaw1
Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:52 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms
Replies: 14
Views: 3057

Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms

AndyC wrote:I asked my brother-in-law about this about a month back and he knew where I was going even before I'd finished the question.

"He's only against illegal guns, and he has guns of his own - he's a card-carrying member of the NRA, for Pete's sake!"

He couldn't answer me when I asked him what exactly an illegal gun was... :???:
The mayor sounds like so many anti-gunners. They have their own guns or bodyguards and see the need for THEM but want to deny that same means of protection from the masses! The "folk" are starting to see this hypocrisy and resent being second class citizens who are being denied their rights under our Constitution and Amendments. Change is coming, starting in November.

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