This is intended to be a thought provoking post. Please don't simply answer of the cuff, but rather take a few moments to consider the question fully. Please feel free to answer whether or not you support permit-less carry and even if you agree with the premise in theory but still support constitutional carry.
It seems that one thing that has worked well in the efforts to re-establish 2A rights within state and local statutes has been the excellent nature and record of CHL holders nationwide. One the easiest to disprove 'fears' is that CHL holders will suddenly flip out and start shooting people. Despite what the VPC
publishes, CHL holders have shown themselves to be extremely responsible both with there weapons and in general.
But the two recent mass shootings in Arizona, Jared Lee Loughner and more recently
Carey Hal Dyess, have gotten me wondering if premit-less carry laws will muddy the superior statistical picture.
Already, the VPC list Loughner as a "Legal Concealed Handgun Carrier" and the 6 he killed are added to their running "totals". Yet, if those shootings had happened before the recent AZ law change allowing citizens to carry concealed without a permit, that wouldn't be the case. (At least I don't think he had a carry permit.)
So, as more states adopt constitutional carry type laws, it suddenly makes it much easier to lump practically all shooting suspects into the "legally carrying" category. It won't matter then that these people could have/would have still committed the same crimes. The press will still show how they were completely legal up until the moment they pulled the trigger. Could this have a negative impact on the the concept of the armed citizen and on gun laws throughout the nation?