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by VMI77
Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote: I sure wish these traitors would focus more vigor and attention towards war crime committed the other day in Oregon, where a political dissident was executed in cold blood.
Shameless quislings.

Witness to the shooting contradicts the official version of events.
by VMI77
Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:57 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
parabelum wrote:Here is an exchange between Peter Alexander, NBC shill, and Trump. This is relevant to a video about Meet the Press interview from almost 17 years ago.

I sure wish these traitors would focus more vigor and attention towards war crime committed the other day in Oregon, where a political dissident was executed in cold blood.
Shameless quislings.

The left is cheering that death. They hate it when a violent felon with a long criminal record gets killed by the police but they celebrate any time the government kills anyone they consider to be part of their political opposition. No one is more bloodthirsty than a "tolerant" leftist.

I heard the scariest and most chilling thing on the radio on the way home from work yesterday that I've heard in a very long time: Hillary Clinton talking about appointing justices to the Supreme Court. She was asked if she'd consider appointing Obama and she gushed at the idea. That wasn't even the scary part because she was most probably lying. The scary part was her saying in essence that we need to get some justices on the court that won't let the Constitution get in the way of the socialist agenda.

If any GOP candidate does nothing more than mitigate the looming apocalypse of of 3 or 4 supreme court justices appointed by Hitlery or Bernie Boobus that alone will be a great accomplishment. The difference between Bernie and Hitlery is about the same as the difference between Lenin and Stalin.
You are correct Sir.

Here we have an American Citizen, a Patriot, who was executed either by FBI, OSP or ATF in cold blood with his hands actually up, in full compliance and NOT threatening the war criminal who shot him to death, AND the media along with all these leftists rats posing as "reverends" or "civil rights leaders" are silent.
Why? Because he was a political dissident, and...he was white.

That's why I call this execution a war crime. Members on this forum who lived under true tyranny understand the modus operandi of the dictators who want to suppress the voice of dissent.

This was a bully tactic to warn all of us who detest the traitor in the WH, either shut up or you'll disappear.

There are however, millions of us here who will NOT be silenced and subverted to shut up. Many who have tasted oppression and tyranny and will fight with every fiber of our being to push back.
The sad part is when I talk to people I associate at work etc., people who are otherwise very smart, all I see by in large is apathy.
It's like people have been beaten mentally to remain nice docile citizens, while our Country is disintegrating right before our eyes.

FOX network is just another co-conspirator in the effort to pervert our Country, to turn everything decent into dust. I'll never forget what they've done.
I take it from what you've posted on here and where you're from that you lived through a mini-apocalypse. Immigrants I know from Russia, Eastern Europe, and the ME have a far more realistic view of the path we're on in this country than most native born Americans. Many, if not most people in this country have never experienced adversity of any kind. This is probably particularly true of most of the people those in the forum are likely to associate with. A lot of what you see as apathy I believe is attributable to normalcy bias.

I have a coworker who sees things very similarly to how I do. I've known him for a long time. I knew him for a long time before he was a coworker. He's got small children, my kids are grown and on their own (more or less :biggrinjester: ). My kids are old enough to understand what's coming. I don't believe he wants to think much about where we're headed because of what it implies for his children's future, even though he well knows where the path we're on leads. If he'd lived through the kind of events you have lived through avoiding these thoughts would be impossible unless he was completely delusional. However, it's a lot easier to rationalize that things will continue on more or less as they have when that has been true for your entire life.

I maintain that the greatest existential threat to our nation is not "terrorism," Muslim immigration, illegal immigration, economic collapse, Iran, or the Federal government, but the MEDIA. The media is an insidious 5th column mostly populated by people who despise what our Constitutional Republic represents. It's not a "conspiracy" anymore than the Democrat party or the GOP or the NRA are a "conspiracy." Like minded people gravitate to the media to impose their values on everyone else and destroy the Republic in the same way that patriots gravitate towards the military to defend it....but each group is fighting on different battlefields. Because the enemy cloaks itself with the very Constitution it seeks to destroy many of those who would defend the Republic don't yet realize they're in a war and that they're already on the battlefield.

I celebrate every blow delivered to the legacy gate-keeping establishment media no matter who delivers it. I'd love to see everyone of these 5th column enterprises bankrupted out of existence. That happens when they are exposed for what they are and discredited to the point where enough people stop watching, reading, and listening to anything they say.
by VMI77
Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:12 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote:Here is an exchange between Peter Alexander, NBC shill, and Trump. This is relevant to a video about Meet the Press interview from almost 17 years ago.

I sure wish these traitors would focus more vigor and attention towards war crime committed the other day in Oregon, where a political dissident was executed in cold blood.
Shameless quislings.

The left is cheering that death. They hate it when a violent felon with a long criminal record gets killed by the police but they celebrate any time the government kills anyone they consider to be part of their political opposition. No one is more bloodthirsty than a "tolerant" leftist. The anti-gun crowd is the most blood thirsty bunch in this or any country, bar none.

I heard the scariest and most chilling thing on the radio on the way home from work yesterday that I've heard in a very long time: Hillary Clinton talking about appointing justices to the Supreme Court. She was asked if she'd consider appointing Obama and she gushed at the idea. That wasn't even the scary part because she was most probably lying. The scary part was her saying in essence that we need to get some justices on the court that won't let the Constitution get in the way of the socialist agenda.

If any GOP candidate does nothing more than mitigate the looming apocalypse of of 3 or 4 supreme court justices appointed by Hitlery or Bernie Boobus that alone will be a great accomplishment. The difference between Bernie and Hitlery is about the same as the difference between Lenin and Stalin.
by VMI77
Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:04 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

Bitter Clinger wrote:This is becoming more surreal by the moment. This morning the news is filled with stories about how Rupert Murdock, owner of Fox favors open borders and that the moderators for the debate will include some YouTube activists. I am thinking of subscribing to "Pravda" so I can get some truth :headscratch
Murdoch is NOT one of the good guys. The problem is that this election isn't even along the lines of McCain/Obama or Romney/Obama. Bernie is a crazy old commie and Hillary is a dangerous psychopath. Bad as Obama is the only likely Dem choices are far worse. I hate to say it because I loathe Jeb Bush and Krispy Creme Christie, but ANYONE on the Republican side side would be better.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote:I'd also like to add one more thing about Cruz, the fact is that he was a sitting US Senator representing people of Texas who held dual citizenship.
I'll beat the dead horse if I must, but I fought hard to attain my US citizenship. I renounced my Bosnian citizenship that same day when I gave my pledge to this Country before the Court.
I did so because I stand behind no other Nation other then United States, and my Spirit couldn't be at peace otherwise.
It bothers me, at a personal level, that Cruz sat on both sides for decades, and renounced his Canadian citizenship only little while ago when it went public.
It irritates me beyond belief to see Cruz, a TX Senator downplay this.
Folks, he kept his Canadian citizenship for monetary expediency. Nothing else makes sense.
If you are a patriot, then why in the world would you hold dual citizenship? Why be lukewarm?

I know many in the LEGAL immigrant community who feel just as frustrated as I am about Senator Cruz's dual citizenship. I am outraged at the double standard by Cruz supporters who, if Cruz held a Iraqi or Syrian citizenship, would turn their backs on him in a New York minute.
That may be harsh on some, but it's the reality.

I'm sure he is a nice man, but, a so called true conservative he is not. Neither is Trump or anyone else up there.

True conservatives died long time ago, unfortunately. Now we have to do damage control and that means that we must win the WH.
Trump may be many things, perfect man he is not, but Trump is the only one I see who would is liable to clean the filth in DC.

Most importantly, Trump CAN win.
I'm against dual citizenship. Dual citizenship means conflicted loyalties --at best. However, as you said, all our choices have flaws.

You got hammered in more ways than that. The entire system is a slap in the face to legal immigrants. It's disgusting to me to hear guys like Rubio advocating that people here illegally should get a pass if they're here long enough. I don't want them to be able to go back home and reapply either. If someone breaks our law coming here illegally they should be permanently banned from re-entry into the US and prohibited from ever becoming a US citizen. Only immigrants who have followed our laws should be allowed the privilege of becoming US citizens. The concept of amnesty for illegals is a shiv in the back to every immigrant who entered and stayed in this country in accordance with the law. And it's a shiv in all our backs that educated legal immigrants from European countries are run through the ringer and only allowed entry in handfuls while millions of uneducated illegals get government freebies and a pass.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

mojo84 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:For you Fox lovers, this is what Fox represents: ... rdoch.html
Murdoch meanwhile is goading Michael Bloomberg to join the race for president
Oh so "conservative" and "fair" and "balanced."

Fox is having a fit of cognitive dissonance. Murdoch doesn't want Trump to be president but the money side wants the ratings and the money the clown show brings in when Trump is present.
New York's Gabe Sherman is reporting that Moore's appearance on Kelly's show had some at the network fuming, with one of her fellow anchor's noting; 'That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!'
Murdoch meanwhile is not being shy about chasing someone to join the race for president - Michael Bloomberg.

He wrote on Twitter Wednesday; 'This is Bloomberg's last chance. You never know until your hat is in the ring! Events change everything, especially during elections.'

Whatever Trump is or is not, he has done the country a great service by stripping the mask from Fox "news."
Could Murdoch be wanting and working to split the dem vote?
That's a possibility that occurred to me but based on the limited info I've seen my interpretation is he wants Bloomberg instead of Hillary and Bernie.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote:
VMI77 wrote:For you Fox lovers, this is what Fox represents: ... rdoch.html
Murdoch meanwhile is goading Michael Bloomberg to join the race for president
Oh so "conservative" and "fair" and "balanced."

Fox is having a fit of cognitive dissonance. Murdoch doesn't want Trump to be president but the money side wants the ratings and the money the clown show brings in when Trump is present.
New York's Gabe Sherman is reporting that Moore's appearance on Kelly's show had some at the network fuming, with one of her fellow anchor's noting; 'That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!'
Murdoch meanwhile is not being shy about chasing someone to join the race for president - Michael Bloomberg.

He wrote on Twitter Wednesday; 'This is Bloomberg's last chance. You never know until your hat is in the ring! Events change everything, especially during elections.'

Whatever Trump is or is not, he has done the country a great service by stripping the mask from Fox "news."
Spot on.

Now, if I was Cruz supporter I would expect, scratch that, I would DEMAND that Cruz grills Fox moderators to explain their Network links and ties to the America hating left wing front groups. I'd expect Cruz to turn it 180 degrees back on them.
Now, if he did that, I'd gain more respect for him.

As for Fox, jig is up. There are millions of us out here who are fed up with them all.
My expectations for these carnival clown shows is very very low and frankly I can't stomach watching them. My take is a little respect for any of these candidates would rise for those who joined Trump in refusing to participate in the monkey show. If there was any will for a real show of courage they'd all refuse to participate in ANY debate hosted by a MSM source and get together to hold a forum where a real (not pre-selected) audience showed up and asked questions WE care about instead of what the beltway pressitudes want us to hear.

EVERY candidate would have to respond to the SAME question before another question could be asked. Each would have the same amount of time, perhaps 5 minutes, to answer with no interruptions from other candidates allowed --rigorously enforced. All the media could observe and record and broadcast the event on the condition they showed it in it's entirety --no editing allowed.

It won't happen for several reasons...among them: the ruling class doesn't want to answer to the electorate, they don't want establishment alternative views to be fully heard and understood, and the vast majority of the American public is too stupid and indifferent to watch that kind of informative presentation --meaning small audience, low ratings, and hence, there is no money in it. The establishment candidates would be destroyed in a format like that because the audience wouldn't let them hide from their records --and therefore the GOP would never allow it.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

For you Fox lovers, this is what Fox represents: ... rdoch.html
Murdoch meanwhile is goading Michael Bloomberg to join the race for president
Oh so "conservative" and "fair" and "balanced."

Fox is having a fit of cognitive dissonance. Murdoch doesn't want Trump to be president but the money side wants the ratings and the money the clown show brings in when Trump is present.
New York's Gabe Sherman is reporting that Moore's appearance on Kelly's show had some at the network fuming, with one of her fellow anchor's noting; 'That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!'
Murdoch meanwhile is not being shy about chasing someone to join the race for president - Michael Bloomberg.

He wrote on Twitter Wednesday; 'This is Bloomberg's last chance. You never know until your hat is in the ring! Events change everything, especially during elections.'

Whatever Trump is or is not, he has done the country a great service by stripping the mask from Fox "news."
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

parabelum wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:Chump is not a conservative...he's just another New York bigmouth whose ego is even bigger than his fortune. So he takes his marbles and goes home cuz he can't stand up to a debate with a real conservative like Ted Cruz... "rlol" "rlol"

If he can't stand up to Megyn Kelly at Fox how's he gonna handle the MSLSD media when they finish worshipping Hitlery and turn their Marxist propaganda machines at him? :shock:

He's skipping the debate because he's afraid of actually having to talk intelligently about the issues instead of bloviating. :biggrinjester:
I disagree.

Trump has his spiel,Cruz has his.
As far as Cruz being a "real conservative", there are numerous holes in his "conservatism", small example found here: ... support-of

The whole meaning of the "conservative" is overused and overstated today.
By classical definition, no "candidate" on the Republican side meets the "conservative" criteria. They are all flawed.
So, for me, I'd rather have 50% of something rather then 100% of nothing.
Good enough for Jerry Fallwell Jr. and Sherrif Joe Arpaio, good enough for me.
What, you part of the war on women or something? "rlol" What about Sarah Palin? And Phylls Schafly? ... nocks-cruz
Schafly told the "Focal Point" program that she had not endorsed the billionaire businessman despite an interview in which she agreed he could be the "last hope" for America.

"I haven't really endorsed anybody for president," Schafly clarified after the WorldNetDaily "exclusive" on Dec. 22 in which she was interviewed.

Schafly, an attorney and author, remains a conservative anti-feminist icon after founding Eagle Forum in 1972.
I prefer Cruz myself, in spite of my misgivings due to his support of the TPP and the H1B program and previous statements about immigration. I heard Ted's father on the radio the other day and I was impressed with the man and what that suggests about his son. However, I am still somewhat disquieted by the fact that his wife worked for the Giant Squid.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:16 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

ScottDLS wrote:Chump is not a conservative...he's just another New York bigmouth whose ego is even bigger than his fortune. So he takes his marbles and goes home cuz he can't stand up to a debate with a real conservative like Ted Cruz... "rlol" "rlol"

If he can't stand up to Megyn Kelly at Fox how's he gonna handle the MSLSD media when they finish worshipping Hitlery and turn their Marxist propaganda machines at him? :shock:

He's skipping the debate because he's afraid of actually having to talk intelligently about the issues instead of bloviating. :biggrinjester:

Megyn Kelly is a joke. But you can't seriously believe Trump is "afraid" of debating Cruz? In the first place these clown shows the networks are hosting aren't "debates," they're TV reality shows. I seriously doubt the attention span and general intelligence of the American public would support broadcasting an actual debate. It's infotainment....and light in the info. These carnival side shows bear no resemblance whatsoever to an actual debate.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:07 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

Abraham wrote:Megyn Kelly's not a liberal.

Not even close...
What is she then? Why does she spout liberal rhetoric about the phony "war on women?" I know Ann Coulter and Michele Malkin aren't liberals and I don't hear them spouting leftist war on women rhetoric.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:04 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Re: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore

G26ster wrote:So because Megyn Kelly had an interview with Michael Moore, she's a liberal, and Fox is just another liberal news outlet? I guess her recent in-depth hour long interviews with the heroes of Benghazi were designed to help the the current administration too? And please tell me what was inaccurate or wrong with the question she asked Trump on the first debate?
Let me reframe for you.....Michael Moore endorsed Fox and he was invited to do so to help take down Trump. So what that Megyn Kelly interviewed the heroes of Benghazi? Fox positions itself as being to the right...POSITIONS in the sense of a facade...not actually is to the right. I don't know who you think is calling Fox "liberal" --I said Fox was an "establishment" front. Establishment in the same sense that McConnell, Ryan, Christie, Jeb Bush, et al, all RINOs, are all part of the establishment.

Fox recently hosted the National Review take down attempt on Trump....followed by a Rubio speech. Not Ted Cruz, not Fiorina, not Ben Carson...Rubio. Why is that? It's because the GOP establishment has recognized there is no chance of foisting Bush or Christie on the electorate and Rubio is their default. And why is Fox pushing Rubio and what is the primary establishment position these tactics support? OPEN BORDERS.

Rupert Murdoch is one of the biggest open border pushers on the planet. Rubio is all for open borders and letting those here illegally stay. That's what Fox is pushing and why they want to take down Trump.

Megyn Kelly is a dishonest shill. I don't know which debate question you're referring to but one in particular was so dishonest it demolished any credibility she might have had. She implied Trump had made a derogatory sexual reference to a woman on his television show. The quote she used was knowingly taken out of context to attack Trump with the phony "war on women" rhetoric and was not a derogatory sexual confirmed not only when read in context but by the woman to whom the remark had been directed.

However, even if her attempted smear hadn't been dishonest, using the left's phony "war on women" attack proxy is enough to discredit her. I didn't hear the Michael Moore interview. Even if I watched Fox I wouldn't have had the necessary intestinal fortitude to listen to Megyn Kelly, much less Michael Moore. However, while I was listening to the radio this morning several callers that had seen it claimed that MK and MM were giggling and mocking veterans.
by VMI77
Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:58 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore
Replies: 49
Views: 8345

Fox pulls back the curtain...teams up with Michael Moore ... was-great/

Like Trump or hate him, he got Fox to take off the mask and reveal themselves to be just another front for the Washington establishment. Well, if Megyn Kelly ever gets tired of playing pretend opposition on Fox I'm sure they'll find a place for her at MSNBC. "rlol"
Moore ended the interview with, “And before I leave, I just want to say again, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, it’s pp to get elected president in this country, you have to come on this network. You have to play ball with this network. Donald Trump today said I’m not playing ball with this network. That’s a historic moment, and it’s going to be interesting to see where the real power is. Trump thinks he doesn’t need Fox News. I think Fox News probably has something else to say about that. And it’ll be interesting to see where do the powers that be go with this?”
Who knew Michael Moore was such a big fan of Fox "news." :smilelol5:

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