G26ster wrote:So because Megyn Kelly had an interview with Michael Moore, she's a liberal, and Fox is just another liberal news outlet? I guess her recent in-depth hour long interviews with the heroes of Benghazi were designed to help the the current administration too? And please tell me what was inaccurate or wrong with the question she asked Trump on the first debate?
Let me reframe for you.....Michael Moore endorsed Fox and he was invited to do so to help take down Trump. So what that Megyn Kelly interviewed the heroes of Benghazi? Fox positions itself as being to the right...POSITIONS in the sense of a facade...not actually is to the right. I don't know who you think is calling Fox "liberal" --I said Fox was an "establishment" front. Establishment in the same sense that McConnell, Ryan, Christie, Jeb Bush, et al, all RINOs, are all part of the establishment.
Fox recently hosted the National Review take down attempt on Trump....followed by a Rubio speech. Not Ted Cruz, not Fiorina, not Ben Carson...Rubio. Why is that? It's because the GOP establishment has recognized there is no chance of foisting Bush or Christie on the electorate and Rubio is their default. And why is Fox pushing Rubio and what is the primary establishment position these tactics support? OPEN BORDERS.
Rupert Murdoch is one of the biggest open border pushers on the planet. Rubio is all for open borders and letting those here illegally stay. That's what Fox is pushing and why they want to take down Trump.
Megyn Kelly is a dishonest shill. I don't know which debate question you're referring to but one in particular was so dishonest it demolished any credibility she might have had. She implied Trump had made a derogatory sexual reference to a woman on his television show. The quote she used was knowingly taken out of context to attack Trump with the phony "war on women" rhetoric and was not a derogatory sexual reference...as confirmed not only when read in context but by the woman to whom the remark had been directed.
However, even if her attempted smear hadn't been dishonest, using the left's phony "war on women" attack proxy is enough to discredit her. I didn't hear the Michael Moore interview. Even if I watched Fox I wouldn't have had the necessary intestinal fortitude to listen to Megyn Kelly, much less Michael Moore. However, while I was listening to the radio this morning several callers that had seen it claimed that MK and MM were giggling and mocking veterans.