You got me. I'd like to say I've never heard of American Idol but all I can say is that I've never watched it, so I've no idea who has or hasn't been on it. If you're suggesting she probably does know who has and hasn't been on American Idol I confess to thinking you're probably right.JALLEN wrote:Sure she had! Wasn't he on American Idol a few decades ago?VMI77 wrote:
She'd never even heard of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
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Return to “Robber killed during home invasion Fort Worth”
- Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:22 am
- Forum: Self-Defense Reports
- Topic: Robber killed during home invasion Fort Worth
- Replies: 16
- Views: 4812
Re: Robber killed during home invasion Fort Worth
- Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:50 am
- Forum: Self-Defense Reports
- Topic: Robber killed during home invasion Fort Worth
- Replies: 16
- Views: 4812
Re: Robber killed during home invasion Fort Worth
I just thought they meant he's a former student NOW.Jusme wrote:I'm also curious as to how a16 year old is former student?JALLEN wrote:This is the business he'd chosen!
Sometimes I wonder if there ought to be criminal penalties, along the lines of the felony murder rule, for parents who fail, or neglect, to teach their children not to do these things.
My children knew not to take things that didn't belong to them, and not go into places they weren't invited. Just those two ideas would eliminate a lot of unhappiness. Not all, of course, but it would be a start.
But aside from that, I think my wife left HS about that age and got her GED. Even back then she realized most of what passed for "education" in the public school system was garbage propaganda and indoctrination....and it's a LOT worse now. I was just listening to a radio caller this morning talking about how his top student daughter headed off to college almost completely ignorant of US history and with little or no understanding of the Constitution or Bill of Rights. She'd never even heard of Dwight D. Eisenhower.