There is an article in NR about it but for some reason I can't access their website.
Wyllie, like many others, claim Jeb Bush is so supportive of the measure is because his brother Neil would profit.
“Neil Bush has a vested interest in one of the two providers of curriculum, textbooks and so forth that are authorized under Common Core,” Wyllie says. “It’s just another example of the corporation, the cronyism, the good ol’ boy network they have in Tallahassee.” ... overlords/
Jeb Bush’s “Foundation for Excellence in Education” is also saturating the airwaves with ads trying to salvage Common Core in the face of truly bipartisan, truly grassroots opposition in his own home state of Florida. As I’ve reported previously, the former GOP governor’s foundation is tied at the hip to the federally funded testing consortium called PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers), which pulled in $186 million through the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program to develop Common Core tests.