baldeagle wrote:Boston mayor opposes police plan to arm officers with AR-15s. The plan would strictly control which officers were allowed to have the weapons and under what circumstances they could be used, but that's not enough for the mayor. This is the next logical step in the liberal plan. First you work to disarm the citizens. Then you question why the police have such evil weapons. Finally, the only people left with the firepower to control the populace is the federal government and its armies.
The liberal police chiefs had better wake up and pay attention, because they're next.
Can you say hoist on their own petard? Our illustrious president and his minions have been telling us that these are weapons of war and don't belong on the streets of America. While we all know that this is utter nonsense, it's hard for me to get upset about some politician imposing the same nonsense on the police as they do on the rest of us.