chasfm11 wrote:The part that I struggle with more is that many States prohibit citizens from owning guns. In IL, you have to have a FOID to purchase one. How then can an illegal immigrant in Texas, who would never be granted a FOID in IL, be allowed to have a gun under Federal rights. I do understand that there can be differences between the States but this is under 2nd Amendment.
It is not possible for someone to live legally in this country if they entered it illegally. They are breaking a lot of other laws from driving and auto insurance to taxation, anyone one of which could be used against a citizen to keep them from purchasing a gun in at least some States. I strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment and the natural right to self-defense so I'm not against allowing those here illegally to have guns - in principal. But if they can have them without jumping through all of the hoops that citizens do, how can that be equal protection under the Constitution?
Equal protection under the Constitution.....that's a quaint notion now....that's so your parent's Constitution. As far as something like, say, an FOID goes....I guess if California can issue driver's licenses to illegals Illinois can issue them FOIDs. Not sure where the liberals would come down on that, but I think they might go for it since: 1) they think all conservatives are racists and it would be a poke in the eye to evil conservatives; and 2) it could be conceived as some kind of multi-cultural equity or something. OTOH, trying to reconcile their hatred of guns and self-defense with a racial/multi-cultural/social justice justification for gun ownership might make their heads explode.
But you've got me thinking and the more I think about it, the more I think I'd like to see illegals demanding the right to own guns....the libs would either have to oppose or endorse it and that seems like a win win to me. As far as I'm concerned everyone has a right to defend themselves. I have no problem with illegal aliens owning guns. In fact, I think every gun owning illegal alien and every illegal alien using a gun in self-defense would be a win for our side.