Dadtodabone wrote:I don't believe it to be hypocritical, any more so than the old saw, "A conservative is a liberal who's been raped, mugged, etc." would be. Personal epiphanies do occur, that in this instance one has occurred that has a negative impact on my beliefs makes it no less real, or any more hypocritical than had it gone the other way.
I'll take away the word hypocritical and say this....if a person believes in something and has integrity then they stand by their principles even when those principles make it difficult for them. Someone under these circumstances with true integrity and courage would uphold the rights of others as well as themselves even though they suffered a personal tragedy (and this includes her husband). Ridiculously, she got a medal for courage. I'm not saying her reaction makes her bad, but it does make her merely ordinary, not courageous, and it indicates her position before being shot was not based in principle, but on personal convenience.
I don't believe there are many people posting here who would seek to take away the self-defense rights of others because they or a loved one got shot by a thug or a lunatic. The reason is because most of the people here believe in gun and self-defense rights as a matter of principal. If you only maintain a principle when it's easy, it's not a principle.