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by VMI77
Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:45 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo
Replies: 35
Views: 3490

Re: Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo

Dadtodabone wrote:I don't believe it to be hypocritical, any more so than the old saw, "A conservative is a liberal who's been raped, mugged, etc." would be. Personal epiphanies do occur, that in this instance one has occurred that has a negative impact on my beliefs makes it no less real, or any more hypocritical than had it gone the other way.

I'll take away the word hypocritical and say this....if a person believes in something and has integrity then they stand by their principles even when those principles make it difficult for them. Someone under these circumstances with true integrity and courage would uphold the rights of others as well as themselves even though they suffered a personal tragedy (and this includes her husband). Ridiculously, she got a medal for courage. I'm not saying her reaction makes her bad, but it does make her merely ordinary, not courageous, and it indicates her position before being shot was not based in principle, but on personal convenience.

I don't believe there are many people posting here who would seek to take away the self-defense rights of others because they or a loved one got shot by a thug or a lunatic. The reason is because most of the people here believe in gun and self-defense rights as a matter of principal. If you only maintain a principle when it's easy, it's not a principle.
by VMI77
Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:30 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo
Replies: 35
Views: 3490

Re: Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo

The_Busy_Mom wrote:I could be wrong, but man that target looks like Justin Beiber. Go Gabby - one less Beiber in the world. :biggrinjester: :biggrinjester:

Yes, this is very hypocritical. However, it only takes one life experience to change someone's viewpoint on certain ideals. It looks like this was taken before her accident. It's sad that, being a victim of gun violence, she now supports limiting citizens' ability to protect themselves from just that: gun violence. And shame on Mr. Kelly. 'Nuff said.

:txflag: TBM

Yes, it was taken before she was shot. And I agree about Justin Beiber.

Edited to add:

However, I think it's still hypocritical to be all for guns rights, and then against gun rights because you get shot. So, for her, it was AOK as long as other people were victims, but she gets shot, and suddenly we need to ban guns? What that tells me is that her position is not based in principle but merely in personal convenience. I also find her getting a "courage" medal repulsive because it takes no courage to be an unsuspecting gun shot victim.
by VMI77
Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:29 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo
Replies: 35
Views: 3490

Gabby Gifford's AR15 photo ... gn=foxnews

The latter source was present when the photograph was taken, and said that Giffords had requested it for campaign purposes during October 2010.

According to the source, the image sent to Breitbart News was cropped to protect the identity of the person on the right-hand side of the original photograph (to Giffords's left).

The source, who is a member of the law enforcement community, told Breitbart News:

"We were told she wanted to toughen her image. She asked to come out and she wanted to shoot a rifle. She had one of our guys out there to show her how to shoot an AR-15."

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