The Annoyed Man wrote:[ Image ] ... tes-tweet/
Michelle Malkin busted Anderson Cooper who tweeted the same falsehood. He then deleted his tweet—to his credit—after he found out that it was a false story and tweeted another statement, saying:Here's the problem......... Anderson Cooper is one of those "journalists" who maintains that he's an independent. But clearly, he tweeted something false because it resonated with his own personal view of gun-owners. If he were a TRUE independent, he would have verified the story before tweeting it, and falsely tarnishing the reputations of those in attendance. And when your twitter profile says you have 3,637,168 followers, your journalistic responsibility is even more profound and less escapable.Anderson Cooper ✔ @andersoncooper
#SandyHook parent wasn't "shouted down" as I said in previous tweet. He asked for response and audiences members gave it and were admonished
1:17 AM - 30 Jan 13
These people seriously need to calm down. OTH, they make their livings by hyperventilating, and trying to get the rest of us to hyperventilate along with them. Sadly, Anderson Cooper is no exception.
Easy with that credit TAM. From reading the "twitchy" posts, it appears that AC merely deleted his tweet in response to Michelle Malkin's criticism. He only made a correcting statement after Michelle Malkin tweeted and asked him why he didn't explain he deleted the tweet because it was false, and pointed out that the entire episode would exist forever on "twitchy."