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by VMI77
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:01 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10133

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

The Annoyed Man wrote:The shooting itself happened, more or less as reported (accounting for journalistic errors). But everything immediately following stinks like rotten fish.

Diane Feinstein's bill was not cobbled together in response to the shooting. By her own admission, she had been working on it for over a year. She was just waiting for the right tragedy to happen to spring it on us.

The laughing parent, who it turns out is some kind of actor....

The insistence on the use of a "Bushmaster," when one of the news channels—CBS I think, but I could be wrong about that—finally, just a few days ago, admitted that the long gun that was involved was actually in the trunk of the shooter's car (I refuse to name that monster by name). On the video showing it being removed, any fool can see that it isn't even an AR pattern rifle. It looks to me more like a Saiga of some sort. Within DAYS of JFK's assassination, we had pictures in the press of Oswald's rifle, and this was before the modern "information age." (I am not one who subscribes to the multiple shooter theory. I've been to the 6th floor museum and looked out the window. I could have made those shots with a well functioning bolt rifle. The distance was only 60 yards to where the fatal head shot was delivered.) WHERE IS THE ALLEGED BUSHMASTER RIFLE? The shooting happened on December 14, 2012. Here we are almost a month and a half later. Has anybody seen a picture of the shooter's ACTUAL "Bushmaster rifle?" I haven't. HOW COME, IN THE FULL COURT PRESS TO BAN MODERN SPORTING RIFLES, THE ADMINISTRATION HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO PROCURE A PICTURE OF THE SHOOTER'S ACTUAL "BUSHMASTER RIFLE"? They haven't, because they can't.

Eyewitnesses, on scene at the school, repeatedly describe the shooter as having either 2 or 4 handguns. Not one has mentioned him carrying a long gun.

The ME claims that he removed several .223 bullets from the bodies of the 7 children on whom he personally performed autopsies. Those bullets would have been fired within the confines of a classroom—point blank for an AR15. I have personally helped to treat hundreds of gunshot patients. Even a .22 LR will often go right through an adult, unless it hits bone. How is it that a rifle, firing a projectile weighing 50%-100% more than a .22 LR bullet (we don't know the bullet weight, but it has to be in that range), traveling at 3X the velocity of a .22 LR bullet, did not go all the way through and through the body of a 6 or 7 year old child? I'm not buying that he found .223 bullets inside those poor children's bodies. And by the way, how is it that a medical examiner in a sleepy Connecticut county and a bedroom community can claim to be the most experienced gunshot wound expert in the country? (In the video he asserts that nobody knows more about gunshot wound dynamics than he does.)

So no, I have no problem accepting that this monster stole his mother's guns, even a long gun, using at least one of them to murder her. I have no problem believing that he drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School. I have no problem believing that he forced his way into the school, or that he shot down 20 children and 6 adults in cold blood.....or psychotic rage....take your pick. I have no problem believing that he killed himself when he heard the approaching sirens.

What I have a very hard time swallowing is everything after that. It is just TOO orchestrated. TOO MUCH information that is convenient to the AWB crowd is published, and TOO LITTLE information (show me THE RIFLE) that is NOT convenient to them has been suppressed.

I am NOT a conspiracy nut. I don't believe in a JFK conspiracy, and have posted that before. I don't believe in a 9/11 "inside job" conspiracy. I don't believe that there are preserved bodies of aliens held at Area 51. But the aftermath of this Sandy Hook shooting stinks to high heaven.
I agree, and from the start I've found it hard to believe that officers on the scene couldn't tell the difference between rifle casings and handguns casings. Your comments here have given me an idea: perhaps we haven't seen a photo of the rifle because it's something like an S&W MP 15/22, and the rounds expended were 22 LR?
by VMI77
Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:52 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10133

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

baldeagle wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
No one can possibly know how they will react to a given situation until they experience it. Trust me. I know from personal experience. We do people a disservice when we assume that they would react exactly the same way that we think we would in a given situation when we have no way of knowing that for a fact. Unless you've lost a child in a mass shooting, you only think you know how you would react.

Or as the old aphorism goes, Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes.
I take it you've seen the interview referred to? It's bizarre, not because of the joking and smiling, but because his change in emotions is so obviously forced.
Yes, I've seen it. I didn't think the emotions were forced. When you've been confronted with an unthinkable tragedy that affects you personally, you go through a range of emotions far beyond what others do during a "normal" loss. It's not all unusual to laugh, cry, scream and not react at all based on the inputs you're getting and your emotional state at the moment.

I think we humans are far too judgmental of others. What really frightens me is when police detectives use those unusual reactions as a basis to decide a person must have been involved with the crime they're investigating. Sometimes it's true, but sometimes it's not.
Here I have to disagree. I think experienced police officers have had enough contact with enough people that most of the time they can tell the difference between acting and reality. Yes, there are outliers in behavior, and they can and do get it wrong at times, but I think after awhile, an experienced detective can spot the liars and the fakes most of the time. I'm not saying that everyone's response is predictable, but that certain responses can often be correlated with deception.
by VMI77
Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:21 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10133

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

baldeagle wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
No one can possibly know how they will react to a given situation until they experience it. Trust me. I know from personal experience. We do people a disservice when we assume that they would react exactly the same way that we think we would in a given situation when we have no way of knowing that for a fact. Unless you've lost a child in a mass shooting, you only think you know how you would react.

Or as the old aphorism goes, Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes.
I take it you've seen the interview referred to? It's bizarre, not because of the joking and smiling, but because his change in emotions is so obviously forced.
by VMI77
Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:19 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10133

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong there. It's not the smiling and joking as much as the obvious, deliberate, and unnatural wind-up into distress. Downright bizarre.

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