steveincowtown wrote:...what right does a BP agent have to stop someone who is not at the border? I come through customs 10ish times per year, and I don't have any issues with what they do at our airports ad borders, I get that it is necessary there. However I do feel that if we do not restrict their authority to these defined areas, they will (like everything else in Government) continue to expand and grow unchecked.
Also, I notice many of the replies have reference SCOTUS says this, or SCOTUS says that. IMHO, We have a great constitution and a mediocre Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court rules that it turns out the 2nd Amendment doesn't really mean what is says (which is what I believe they have done to the 4th), will we just rely on their judgments then to?
I agree. I haven't crossed any national borders, I'm going from my parents home to my home, both in the State of Texas, and in a free country I don't expect to be stopped at a police checkpoint. I guess I'm just too old and paid too much attention in class when I was a youngster. They used to teach us that things like internal checkpoints were hallmarks of police states; so when I get stopped at an internal checkpoint almost 100 miles from the border it brings back what I was taught in public school. When the checkpoint is this far from the Mexican border the "border control" stuff is just a pretext for general all around searches. Lately on 77 they even have batteries of cameras on both sides of the lanes heading
south. And when you put it all in context --virtually open borders with millions of illegal aliens in the country, maybe even 20 million; and Big Sis making up excuses to keep them here, it's hard to take the purported intent of these checkpoints seriously.
What I don't agree with is your high regard for the SC? (note: sarcasm). Over the last century the court interpreted the 10th Amendment out of existence --which is why we have an out of control government. It has been slowly eroding the rest of the Constitution away with a brief respite for the 2nd Amendment. And we all know that the 2nd will be under fierce attack again as soon as the libs can put another collectivist on the court.