[/quote]Heartland Patriot wrote:BLG wrote:[quote="AEA" Gun Control is only effective against law abiding citizens./quote]
Does that mean I'm not a "law abiding citizen"?
I would think that it would depend on whether you follow all the gun laws or you disregard them, and why. If you follow all of them, you are certainly law-abiding. If you disregard them, you are NOT law-abiding, but you may or may not be criminal...all in what activities you are engaged in, if you get caught, where you got caught and who prosecutes you for it...and what the citizens on the jury think about what you did. Even in California or New York, a 72 year old has a solid chance of not going to jail if they defended themselves against a young thug or marauder...but in the UK, they fully intend to prosecute that man to the fullest extent of the law...they want to put him UNDER the jail because how DARE he break the "rules"...better to let a criminal stab him in the chest, you know...THAT is the difference.[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Breaking the rules may be the excuse, but the motive of the collectivists is to subjugate the middle class with the threat of punishment, either by the State, or the thugs that operate as proxies for the State --with the ultimate objective of diverting and acquiring their wealth and other resources.