That may be true, but talking about "distracting [people]...from the important issues" seems to suggest that there would be alternatives if people weren't distracted, and that this one additional issue is one more than people can process. The country was focused in 2008 and overwhelmingly against the banker bailout, but Bush, McCain, and Obama all were for it, and Congress ignored what the people wanted and voted for it anyway. To date there has been zero accountability for those responsible. What do you think is going to change in 2012?Shoot Straight wrote:It works, People are still taking the bait, distracting them from the important issues.Purplehood wrote:The whole "birther" issue is one that has been drummed-up and rehashed by the left-wing from the very beginning.
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- Mon May 02, 2011 5:55 pm
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- Topic: the long lost birth certificate
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Re: the long lost birth certificate
- Mon May 02, 2011 9:27 am
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- Topic: the long lost birth certificate
- Replies: 156
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Re: the long lost birth certificate
You made a long reasoned post appealing to logic and got a reply that ignored everything but the one thing most irrelevant to your point. You're dealing with a "true believer" in the Eric Hoffer sense. True believers don't reply to logic and reason unless the particular logic supports whatever belief they're attached to. Terms like "racist" and "idiot" and "tin foil hat conspiracy theorist" are only used to dismiss and disparage: they are argumentum ad hominem, the most emotional, and perhaps least sophisticated, of all the logical fallacies, and signal either an inability or an unwillingness to engage in reasoned debate.baldeagle wrote:Since I had never heard of her, I had to google Orly Taitz. I'll admit, I haven't done extensive research, but I didn't see anything that indicated that the matter of the birth certificate had been "legally settled" as you claim. Either your standard of proof is exceedingly low or you simply wish this issue would go away and are willing to accept any hint of proof at all.loadedliberal wrote:That is not true, ask Orly Taitz she fled numerous lawsuits in the matter and all were dismissed due to lack of evidence and she was even bared from filing further lawsuits in the matter.baldeagle wrote:You're misrepresenting the issue. It has never been legally settled (meaning in a court of law.) It may have been settled in your mind, but it obviously hasn't been settled in others'.loadedliberal wrote:Come on folks I said if the birth certificate/ eligibly issues is an issue for you its because you're an idiot or racist. I stand by that. I said earlier there are many good and valid reason to criticize this President and this is not one of the. if you want to call him out on his economic policy or foreign policy I would be inclined to agree. I did not suggest any criticism of the president is race related, just on this particular issue I think it plays a large role. Name one President in the past 100 years who has had to deal with something like this for 2 1/2 years after it was legally settled.
(edited to include proper spelling of name)
The fact that courts dismiss lawsuits (which happens all the time) is proof of nothing other than that the court simply didn't want to deal with the case. There can be many reasons for that; lack of standing, wrong venue, political motivations of the judge, pressure from the court's superiors, improperly filed claims, improperly stated grounds for the lawsuit, the court agreed with the demurrers, etc., etc.
Since I don't really care about this issue I'm not going to spend a ton of time researching it, but I haven't found a single case where a court adjudged Obama's birth certificate to be valid. Since I'm unfamiliar with this type of issue, I don't even know if birth certificates can be challenged in court, much less whether or not a court has ever ruled on the validity of a birth certificate.
Frankly, I don't understand how the issue got started to begin with. His mother was an American. I would think that would make him an American regardless of where he was born. After all, it would seem passingly silly to claim that a person born in Paris, France to American parents working for a US corporation with French offices was not an American citizen. The issue of someone born to parents with two different nationalities is a bit less clear, and I am unfamiliar with the legalities of it, so I could be wrong. But i believe that if one parent has American citizenship, then the children of that marriage do as well.
The thing you don't seem to understand is that this really isn't an issue with where Obama was born. The issue has never really been about whether he was an American (otherwise his American mother would settle the issue for most). The issue has been a political jabbing stick to pick away at his Presidency and gain an advantage that might translate into votes. Frankly, no matter how irritating anyone might find an issue that dogs one of their political favorites, the issue will never go away, no matter how much solid proof is adduced, unless the ones who promote the issue decide there is no longer any advantage to be gained by pushing it. That advantage is measured by polls, and recent polls showed almost 50% of the public at least having questions about Obama's citizenship. That is the real reason that Obama released his birth certificate - votes. And that is the reason that releasing the birth certificate had little impact on the people pushing the issue. It remains to be seen, through polling, whether the release resolved the issue of half the population questioning his citizenship. If the numbers now drop precipitously, then Obama will ignore further cries for the release of documents.
- Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:32 pm
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- Topic: the long lost birth certificate
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Re: the long lost birth certificate
I think "fake" is a loaded word, and perhaps inaccurate. For example, say it is essentially correct, in the sense that it accurately states BO was born in Hawaii, but for some reason, a part of it, like the reference number, has been altered --does that make it a "fake?" From what I've seen there are credible claims that it has been manipulated, but that doesn't necessarily make it a fake or a forgery --though it does raise questions about the presentation.C-dub wrote:After hearing several folks' opinion here that it is fake I'm wondering why I haven't heard anything on the news. Surely, others are also investigating its authenticity. Have I missed the stories about this?
- Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:28 pm
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- Topic: the long lost birth certificate
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Re: the long lost birth certificate
At this point none of what you're arguing here is the issue. I never took any interest in the birth certificate question for the very reason we see playing out right now --that there is no way that releasing a birth certificate could ever prove anything because it's not possible to prove something like this isn't faked (you can only potentially prove that it is faked).loadedliberal wrote:He did turn over the proof required, TWO YEARS AGO! When he released the "short form" birth certificate that is more than enough to get a passport. I WILL SAY AGAING HE RELEASED PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP TWO YEARS AGO. Why was it still an issue this long Why was this an issue and why does it continue to be an issue, there are still many saying that they don't think he was born here. The only constitutional requirements to be President is one be at lest 35, and be born here. The form he released two years ago should of been plenty. I will not back off my earlier accretion that anyone still making an issue of this either holds some level of resentment because the President is black or they are a tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist. I understand that people wanted to be sure he was eligible, but the question was settled two and a half years ago.OldSchool wrote:I repeat and rephrase the question: Could anyone here hold a job showing the disrespect for the hiring authority that he has? Just as I have in the past, were I in his position, I would have gladly offered any proof required that I was qualified for the job. Contrary to your previous post, it is not racist (I have proven my lack of blame in that respect throughout my life, so please don't insult me with that again), but a frustration with the demonstrated arrogance of someone who we must be able to trust with the (written) duty to protect the very existence of our society.loadedliberal wrote:The "Certificate of live birth" he released in 2008 is enough to get a passport, what more proof did you need, and as to his educational records there is not law or amendment that says a President needs to be smart. I think we have proved that with our past few Presidents.OldSchool wrote:Ummmm - no. I think people are simply insisting that the employee (the President of the US, who is hired by the electorate) provide his/her credentials before being officially given the job. Every time I apply for a job, I must provide all requested materials (proof of citizenship, proof of education, proof of qualifications for the job, etc.). Saying that "it's not fair" is missing the entire point of qualifying for any position.loadedliberal wrote:THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE SHOULD NOT AND HAS NOT BEEN AND ISSUE FOR ANY OTHER PRESIDENT I DO NOT REMEMBER PEOPLE DEMANDING GEORGE BUSH RELESE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE I DID NOT "PLAY THE RACE CARD" I SIMPLY STATED THAT IF THIS IS YOUR MAIN ISSUE WITH THE PRESIDENT IS HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE ITS EITHER RACE OR IDIOCY TAKE YOUR PICK.
In particular, that he will not provide the required documentation is a sign of total disrespect for the laws of this country, as if he were somehow above all that. It does not matter anymore, since he was instated without his qualifications being ensured (sorta like getting into college without your SAT score ever being looked at). However, this lack of respect for the law (as if it did not apply to him, and is an insult) stinks to high heaven.
Can anyone here get away with doing something like this?
That said, what the White House released doesn't pass the smell test, and it seems to me there are only two ways to explain it: 1) it is legitimate but was scanned, assembled, presented, in such a way that produces questionable anomalies; or 2) it's not legitimate and the anomalies are a by product of manipulation. In the case of #2 it is still possible that the certificate represents an essential truth --that he was born in Hawaii-- but was enhanced or manipulated in some way to disguise or to enhance something that might otherwise have seemed questionable. You can see one convincing analysis of this here:
The question then is why they would release the document like this? You can dismiss #1 as incompetence, but I find that a little hard to buy given the attention that has been addressed to the matter, and the resources available to the White House. No matter what underlying reason for #2, if it is the explanation then the White House has been dishonest. I don't know what the answer is. I'm inclined to make the more benign choice but either choice raises questions about the behavior of this administration.
- Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:54 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: the long lost birth certificate
- Replies: 156
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Re: the long lost birth certificate
Don't insult me by suggesting that I have not read The Constitution. It should have never been an issue this long. With the Certificate of Live Birth that was released in '08 along with the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspaper that at the time was only done by the department of health. The republican Governor of Hawaii saying he had seen the long form certificate personally, among many many other that "claimed" he was indeed born in the united states. Also the burden of proof lies with the accuser, I saw no evidence anywhere that said he was born elsewhere. And as to the John Mccain not being born on U.S. soil, yes I do remember that being an issue for about 2 days until a court ruling settled the matter. There are still lawsuits regarding Obama eligibility for President.
Why are you so eager to defend a guy that regularly shows his contempt for the Constitution, that has continued just about every policy liberals complained about under Bush, and would revoke your 2nd amendment rights in an instant if he could get away with it ---and who we hear in another thread is preparing to seek more gun control "under the radar?"