I've heard of that case before and almost as disturbing as what the predators did is the total passivity of their victims, who made no effort to defend themselves at any time, even when ordered to kneel down so they could be shot, and their fate was thus certain. The three men made no attempt to defend the two women or stop them from being raped, in spite of the fact that they were left unguarded in a closet while the predators raped the women. These predators split up, one taking victims to an ATM machine one at time, leaving in some instances, three men and a woman in the house with one man, who spent his time drinking and raping whichever woman was present. Apparently, no one even attempted to escape and get help. In at least one instance the predator put down his gun and raped one of the women while the men stayed compliantly in the closet. Apparently the victims in the closet were not bound or secured in any way.mctowalot wrote:There are sick, sick, (SICK!!!) "people" in this world who get pleasure from hurting others. Some folks can't wrap their head around this concept.
I've held off mentioning what I'm about to bring up for years because it's so incredibly disturbing, but I suppose there's a time and place for everything so here goes:
"The Wichita Horror"
I can't find the words...
Except, if only one of the victims had a gun...
Or, if only the victims had realized how bad it was going to get, perhaps they would have fought back, with anything...
I do want to say that it's a nightmare of a tale, and if you were disturbed by the story in the OP, I suggest you NOT look up anything about this.
It seems one of the reasons they offered no resistance is that they felt incompetent to resist. At one point, the surviving victim had an opportunity to grab the gun her rapist had laid next to her on the floor, but was afraid to do so because she'd never shot a gun. This is the result you get from years of conditioning children in school, and the general population by the media, to be obedient and submit, because only "professionals" are capable of using violence to defend themselves or others. This attitude defies common sense and I consider it to be a sign of moral degeneracy to condition people to believe that someone else is responsible for their defense. How much harder it would be for predators to live in a world where every potential victim had been taught the rudiments of self-defense and was prepared to fight to the death. Not to mention the fact that a child taught to defend himself will develop some real self-esteem, and not this phony everyone-automatically-has-worth-no-matter-what-they-do nonsense being promoted in school and in our media, which actually reduces the rightful shame that used to be associated with doing bad things.