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by VMI77
Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:16 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10141

Re: Craigslist robbery

drjoker wrote:There are no restrictions on how to carry long guns in Texas.

I don't think I'd go that far --there's some kind of vague very subjective law about carrying a weapon in a manner that causes public alarm, and just seeing a picture of a gun alarms most liberals.
by VMI77
Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:16 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10141

Re: Craigslist robbery

drjoker wrote:
AJ80 wrote:
DoubleJ wrote:shoulda had a cover sniper in an overwatch position....
Would that even be legal? :shock: :rules:
Perfectly legal in the great state of Texas. There are no restrictions on how to carry long guns in Texas. You don't need to have a CHL to conceal carry a rifle in Texas. Just be careful to keep that itchy finger off the trigger....

Before there were CHLs, a friend wanted to buy a car with cash once. He met the seller from a classified ad in the parking lot of a supermarket. I sat in my pickup about 50 ft away with an AK. The seller didn't even notice that I was there. Transaction went down without a hitch. This is a lot more common than you think. When done right, the other party shouldn't even notice the rifleman watching the transaction. You might have taken part in a few transactions with a "sniper" (50 ft is not really sniping distance) watching without even knowing. Just have your pickup/car heavily tinted and park with the passenger side facing the transaction (driver's side has lighter tint by law).

Sounds like the drive-in scene from Heat.
by VMI77
Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:25 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10141

Re: Craigslist robbery

seamusTX wrote:Online ads are more readily searchable over a greater area.

- Jim

No doubt this draws a greater potential group of those with criminal intent. However, a lot of newspapers have their classified ads on the internet so it's possible for someone so inclined to just look up adds in neighboring communities. Of course, Craigslist pulls them all together and makes it easier, but it also makes a potentially common link. Then again, as you said before, a lot of criminals are stupid.
by VMI77
Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:15 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10141

Re: Craigslist robbery

seamusTX wrote:In Manhattan, New York, this week, a man advertised a BMW for sale online (on, not Craigslist). He met a prospective "buyer." The seller was later found in the trunk of the car, stabbed and severely injured, after the car crashed into a taxi and the driver-buyer fled.

A convicted felon with a penchant for stealing BMWs is suspected and sought by police." onclick=";return false; ... c_ev=click" onclick=";return false;

Look at this guy's mug shot.

This robbery shows signs of obsessive-compulsive behavior bordering on insanity. The thief got himself into an aggravated felony that may yet turn into capital murder. He wrecked the car he was trying to steal, and the police know who he is and where to look for him.

The moral of the story being not to assume that criminals are deterred by circumstances that a reasonable person would consider a deterrent.

No way am I ever going to sell anything that way.

- Jim

Not sure why it would be any different if you took out an ad in the newspaper? In fact, seems like newspaper ads would be a safer bet for a criminal because there isn't any connection between buyer and seller like there is over the internet, unless they're stupid enough to call from their cell phone. I assumed being robbed in a sale was a possibility way back before there was any Craigslist --and took various precautions. Same goes for garage sales.
by VMI77
Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:06 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Craigslist robbery
Replies: 61
Views: 10141

Re: Craigslist robbery

phrogg wrote: 4) If its a large transaction (over $500) then I'll bring another CHL with me and potentially call up an LEO friend to see where they are hanging out and meet up there.

If you're going armed that might not be such a good idea.....something goes down, you draw, you sure the police are going to be able to sort out who the bad guys are?


Never mind.....some how it didn't connect when you said you'd go where your LEO friend was hanging out. That's a horse of a different color.

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