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by i8godzilla
Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:35 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Incident at my place:
Replies: 6
Views: 1969

Re: Incident at my place:

Just a small tidbit from the 'Been there, done that' point of view.

a. Change all of the locks
b. Change the alarm code and password
c. Change all of your online passwords -- if they are stored in your computer, they may be compromised
d. Monitor your credit card and bank statements
e. Check your other accounts for charges they may have incurred on the 'way out' -- i.e. Pay-per-view
f. If you have a wireless network and they had the security key, change it
g. If they ever drove your car, go over it with a fine tooth comb, you might find something that could get you in a lot of trouble. If you ever left spare keys at home, they could also have keys to your automobiles.
h. Get a no-contact order based on the assault.

a, b, and g above are what cost us dearly in both time and money!

It is bad enough to get hosed by a stranger, however, when it is family it really stings. For us, we never thought about any of the above items because it was family. Now we know better!!!!

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