Assumptions...She discovered the hard way that her assumptions about the nature of criminals were wrong and the folks who led her to believe them hadn't done her any favors.
I gnash my teeth whenever I read, hear, or see citizens making "assumptions" about criminals, and criminal intent. Especially when it comes to home intruders.
Far too many citizens have been killed by criminals because they "assumed" they were in the presence of a burglar/mugger/car thief/robber and NOT a murderer/rapist. I just don't understand the mindset of these folks.
When an individual demonstrates they have NO respect for law and NO respect for property, how can one logically make an assumption that they will respect life and limb? When the consequences for a wrong assumption are your life and limb, or your family, the only logical assumption is to treat the criminal as the threat they truly are, and prepare to use force to stop their threat against you, up to, and including, deadly force if necessary.
Whoever raised this young lady failed miserably to teach and prepare her to recognize and face the monsters in the world.