I watched and really enjoyed that video. He actually agreed to buy the girl a gun. She wanted, and picked out, a handgun. She filled out the 4473, but didn't do the background check. Since she's under 21, she couldn't get it. Both girls were surprised that buying a gun was not as easy as they had been told.Flightmare wrote:I have really enjoyed watching those. There are some who he debates who are adamantly anti-gun and as others have pointed out, you likely won't change their minds. However he has had success changing the minds of people who were only fed information from the MSM. He even took a couple girls from UTD to Eagle Gun Range in Lewisville. He had them shoot pistols, an AR-15, and a 12 gauge with slugs. Afterwards one of them went thru the background check process to purchase a gun, just to see how thorough it was. After all was said and done, these 2 girls have moved significantly from anti-gun to more pro-2a. These are the type of people we're trying to reach.
In the end, he promised he would still buy her the handgun once she turned 21, if she still wanted it.
EDIT: Here's the video.