esxmarkc wrote:As I try to do with any thread, please allow me to interject true engineering and scientific principle to achieve a solution.
"Everytime I drop my Glock it lands on the back end of the slide" ????!!!!????!????!???!??!?! I said "What are you doing dropping it?" He said he was just trying to do too much at one time, however if I was to do that with my 1911 it would cease to function.
If one was concerned that he/she would drop their precious 1911 and have it damaged by landing on the back of the slide (cocked hammer on a 1911) I would suggest strapping a large healthy cat to the side of the 1911. If attached properly, the cat would always land feet down thus putting the 1911 into the pavement magazine first thus only bending/damaging the end of the easily replaceable magazine.
Similar results can be achieved by keeping a generous coat of peanut butter on the butt of the magazine however I find this solution far too messy.