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by Pawpaw
Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:22 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

terryg wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:If half the criminals in this country spontaneously combusted, the gun-grabbers would rant & rave about how the guns killed all those kids and misguided adults.

When the other half turned in their guns and devoted their lives to Christ, they would rant & rave about how "God and guns" ruined people's lives.

The resulting drop in crime would be attributed to "common sense gun laws".
Right. We are obviously not going to convince Paul Helmke and the like. The broader question is will we be less equipped to win the PR war with the general public when the most notorious killers (think of the name recognition of Cho and Loughner) are no longer illegally carrying guns, but are instead legally carrying.
My point was that we cannot win on that PR front. The deck is stacked and they own the casino (liberal media).

The only way to win this battle is to hammer the point that the Second Amendment is a civil right, just as much as freedom of speech. Hammer the point that without the 2nd, the rest is just a house of cards. Unfortunately, no one seems to be willing to pick up that banner.
by Pawpaw
Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2981

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

If half the criminals in this country spontaneously combusted, the gun-grabbers would rant & rave about how the guns killed all those kids and misguided adults.

When the other half turned in their guns and devoted their lives to Christ, they would rant & rave about how "God and guns" ruined people's lives.

The resulting drop in crime would be attributed to "common sense gun laws".

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