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by zero4o3
Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact - south houston
Replies: 8
Views: 2397

Re: First Contact - south houston

Topbuilder wrote:
zero4o3 wrote:Well it finally happened this week, I was pulled over on 45 south just past 610 south nearing the beltway ( the exit I was planning on taking) it was over all a positive encounter with just one strange part. I imagine I was pulled over for speeding but before he turned on his lights he got up beside me and blocked me from taking my exit (I had my blinker on attempting to get over) I found that a little strange.

The rest of the encounter was fine, handed both DL and CHL, no comment on CHL, no questions about anything. no comments on why I was pulled over I sat there for a few minutes and received a ticket for my insurance card being expired. and then was sent on my way.

overall I would consider it a good first interaction hopefully I have awhile before the next one.

Do everything you can do to make sure that charge goes away. You may have a unfortunate introduction to the MSB surcharge notification. This is the "knee capping" division of the Texas DPS under the new "Driver Responsibility program" (DRP) Here is how it works, you get a no insurance ticket, you pay the ticket ($350?) you're done right? Wrong. Under this program you will be notified by regular mail (God help you if you have not changed your address) as much as 2 years later that you owe under the DRP $250. This may apply even if you were able to get the charges for the ticket dropped. Just when you thought it was not beleivable... you will get that same notice for the following two years!!!... at $250 each. If you happen to be one of the unfortunate people who does not receive the letter? They suspend your license the minute your account is unpaid. Of course you will never know it, 'till you get pulled over... then you have a ticket for driving without a license. Which you will then have to pay, AND you will be enrolled in the DRP for three years at $250 per year. Think it cannot get worse? Wrong. Now you have to show SR22 insurance to get your license back. I think that runs around $3,500 per year...
This program is bleeding people dry. If you are hit by someone with no insurance, chances are they are a criminal illegal alien or they are someone who has been ravaged by this program.

How do I know this? Over 2 years ago I got a ticket for expired DL, I thought taking care of the jobs I had going was more important than killing a 1/2 a day at the DPS office. Could not do it by mail as it was time to get a new picture... so, I pay the $185 ticket and go about my business. A couple of days ago I get the "MSB Surcharge Notification" stating I have to pay $104 per year for 3 years... :mad5
(steps off soap box)

Good information, I have valid insurance just the card I had on me at the moment was expired so hopefully proof of that gets that charge dropped and it becomes a non issue.

The thread sure took an interesting turn lol, I couldnt imagine running into some one on purpose but in all fairness he was right in my blind spot at that point, had I not seen up pacing me earlier I could have very easily missed him. keep in mind as he moved up to block me he had his lights off.

with it being as late as it was when I was pulled over I am fairly certain speed was used to verify that I was not drunk and then the citation was issued as it should have been for the expired insurance.
by zero4o3
Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:04 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact - south houston
Replies: 8
Views: 2397

First Contact - south houston

Well it finally happened this week, I was pulled over on 45 south just past 610 south nearing the beltway ( the exit I was planning on taking) it was over all a positive encounter with just one strange part. I imagine I was pulled over for speeding but before he turned on his lights he got up beside me and blocked me from taking my exit (I had my blinker on attempting to get over) I found that a little strange.

The rest of the encounter was fine, handed both DL and CHL, no comment on CHL, no questions about anything. no comments on why I was pulled over I sat there for a few minutes and received a ticket for my insurance card being expired. and then was sent on my way.

overall I would consider it a good first interaction hopefully I have awhile before the next one.

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