They have the right to refuse to sell anything to anyone, shopping at academy isnt a right given to youspeedsix my one and only experience with such a thing...I'd taken a Glock into a local gunsmith...fine fella...but he demanded that I fill out a 4473 before he returned my gun...which he'd had about 2 days...I argued with him to no avail...then called the local ATF office...the old man of the office told me he'd give him a call and straighten him out...then call me day, the store called me to come pick up my gun...he'd argued with the ATF man and wouldn't listen...they pulled an audit on his books to see how well he understood the rest of the rules...licensees DO answer...refusing a sale when the customer has complied with all the laws' requirements is not an option...unless he's drunk or crazy or some other obvious exception...
...I suspect an alien would get more support from the Feds than you or I would, given their track record of any rate, it ain't right and he should beat 'em...
Glad to hear they took care of you, like some others have pointed out it may be worth looking for a local gunshop with fair pricing (although from what I have seen they are hard to come by)Silverwings wrote:The manager called me today to let me know that NOW everything was in line and I could go pick it up, he assured I would get the sale price of last week and told me that if I needed anything else he would personally make sure I don't have to wait, he was very apologetic. I wanted the gun so I went and picked it up, the guy would not stop apologizing, he walked me to the register to pay for it as they always do, and he would not stop saying they were sorry but they needed to be sure and blah blah blah... I told him "I am here doing business because I really want this gun and you happened to have a good price last week when I came to buy it, but be sure this is the last time I come to your store for any type of business", paid for it and walked away with my lovely Glock 23.