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by Tom
Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:09 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Oddball loads
Replies: 4
Views: 2970

Re: odd loads

Patrick McCarthy wrote:Hi Tom, In your 03A3 try 150gr. speir piont with 51grs of 4895(if it's avable any more). I could shoot a three shot group at 100yards with it, that you could cover with a quarter.(iron sights, sandbagged in).
I'm sorry that I sold the rifle twenty years ago. it was a shooter. I just didn't shoot it anymore.
Hi Patrick,

I still use IMR 4895 for all of my serious rilfe loads, especially in
the 1903A3 and the M1's. My usual load for the 03 is a 151gr bullet,
LC case, WLR primer, and 45grs of IMR 4895. It shoots really good
and is a little easier on the body for those long sessions. I shot about
500 of these at the Thunder Ranch course last November.
For long range stuff, 400-600 yards, I use surplus 173gr bullets, LC
cases, M34 primers, and 46grs of IMR 4895. Not too stout and accurate
enough for me.
But to confirm your load above I too have found that the hotter loads
tend to perform better. I have simply decided to stay on the low end
of hot to minimize the abuse on my aging body.

BTW - Wideners once again has surplus IMR 4895 in 8lb jugs. You
can save about $15-$20 (after HAZMAT and shipping) over new powder
purchased locally, or at a gun show. My limited experience only.

Thanks for the note.

by Tom
Tue May 24, 2005 10:04 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Oddball loads
Replies: 4
Views: 2970


That .357 load looks like a good one. I will see if I can find a load close
to the Green Dot with the collection of powders that I have. My wife
likes to shoot her M94 Winchester in .357 but with that gun the better
loads are the hotter ones. Really good accuracy out to 100 yards.
I put a 6X scope on it for her and she is in pig heaven shooting it.

Some other loads that I have started on all are for the purpose of
reducing recoil. One for pistol, three for rifle. Not necessarily for me
you understand (sure) but I have lots of women in the family and I
want them to learn to shoot all of the rifles, not just the AR's.

Cavaet reloader: Ensure for yourself that these are safe in your guns.
I make no claim as to usability or suitability in ANY firearm.


M-44 Polish Moisin Nagant. Brutal recoil in this little gun with standard
Rusky (Albanian actually) ammo. So I will be loading 123gr AK (7.62X
39) bullets to temper this a tad. Planning to use AA2230C surplus with
a starting load of 40-41grs.

Previously noted Enfield, and using the same 123gr AK bullets as for
the M-44. Have made a batch of these using AA2230C surplus starting
at 41grs. Might test these later this week, if the weather holds out.

1903A3, .30-06. The 110gr SP's seem to work fine. But I have also
picked up some 125gr PSPCL's to give better long range performance.
Lee and Speer books say starting load around 48grs of AA2230 or
IMR4895, so that is where I will start. May test in M1 Garand also,
but will ensure pressure curve is OK for the Op rod. The old loosen the
plug routine.

I have a 200/325/550 yard metallic range that I can use and like to take
the girls there to show them what these old rifles are really capable of
doing. Of course, my regular loads are a bit stout for them hence the
lighter stuff I am working up.

Pistol: The only thing here is working down to 88/90/95 gr bullets in
my P229 in 357SIG. I have gotten velocities close to 1600 without
pushing them too much and have lots or room to grow there. The main
thing is that these loads are really fun to shoot. Recoil is way down from
the standard 124gr or 147gr normally used in this caliber. I have not
fired these off at night though so not sure what the fireball looks like.
Might try that tonight, just for kicks.

I live way out in the NW corner of Kerr County and can shoot any time
I like on my own property. Plus I have access to some ranges on a
nearby hunting ranch. Neighbors aren't a problem as they do the same.
In fact I can usually determine who is home by the direction of the
gunfire report.


by Tom
Mon May 23, 2005 8:37 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Oddball loads
Replies: 4
Views: 2970

Oddball loads

I have been toying with some odd loads lately and thought I would share.

1. I make up shot rounds for my S&W 640 and 638 using about 95 grs.
of #8 shot in a shot capsule. Pretty much a full capsule and they
pattern fairly well - 5-6 inches at 3-4 ft. Great for squirrels, as I don't
shoot snakes, I relocate them. Different issue.
So, not being able to purchase 9mm capsules I used the same as for
the .38/.357 and load them up for my S&W 940 in 9mm cases.
They look really weird as there is as much capsule showing as case,
maybe more capsule than case, but they shoot just fine. Same kind
of patterns as from the 640. No way these would work in an auto!

2. I recently acquired an Enfield No. 4, MK 1. A nice WWII that looks
pretty good. Not having one of these before I looked around for
load data. I ran across a load for a 71gr, .32ACP bullet (I have a
couple of .32ACP pistols) which uses 12 Grs of UNIQUE. There is NO
recoil, and more of a pffft than bang but at close range they shoot
pretty good. I didn't measure them but kept all in about a 3-4 inch
circle at about 25 yards. I will be taking these to a longer range to
see if I can get on paper at 100 yds.

3. I have a box of 36 cal lead balls. Don't know why, just do. So I
thought, heck that is close to .357 why not load them into a .38SP
case and see what happens. I shot a bunch of these through my
640 at 10 yards and managed to keep all withing about 5 inches.
I did notice that I had to point the muzzle up then bring it down slowly
prior to shooting or I would sometimes get a pfffft rather than a bang.
Not much powder in the case. May bump it up in the future.

4. I loaded up 110gr SP's for .30-06. I did actually shoot a pig with
one of these at about 90 yards with good effect with a 1903A3.
I hit it kind of high in mid back about 3 inches below the top of the
back. There was a perfect .308 hole going in, and a fist sized hole
on the other side.
The pig dropped in its tracks and did not move.

Do any of you other handloaders have any odd stuff that you have
developed that you would care to share? I have lots of time to tinker,
as long as it appears to be safe. So far, so good.


NW Kerr County

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