Hi Patrick,Patrick McCarthy wrote:Hi Tom, In your 03A3 try 150gr. speir piont with 51grs of 4895(if it's avable any more). I could shoot a three shot group at 100yards with it, that you could cover with a quarter.(iron sights, sandbagged in).
I'm sorry that I sold the rifle twenty years ago. it was a shooter. I just didn't shoot it anymore.
I still use IMR 4895 for all of my serious rilfe loads, especially in
the 1903A3 and the M1's. My usual load for the 03 is a 151gr bullet,
LC case, WLR primer, and 45grs of IMR 4895. It shoots really good
and is a little easier on the body for those long sessions. I shot about
500 of these at the Thunder Ranch course last November.
For long range stuff, 400-600 yards, I use surplus 173gr bullets, LC
cases, M34 primers, and 46grs of IMR 4895. Not too stout and accurate
enough for me.
But to confirm your load above I too have found that the hotter loads
tend to perform better. I have simply decided to stay on the low end
of hot to minimize the abuse on my aging body.
BTW - Wideners once again has surplus IMR 4895 in 8lb jugs. You
can save about $15-$20 (after HAZMAT and shipping) over new powder
purchased locally, or at a gun show. My limited experience only.
Thanks for the note.