I had to delete my initial reply because it went off on a crazy rant. Will we ever have a (viable) candidate that really believes in a government that leaves citizens alone to live their own lives and also leaves the free market alone to do what it needs to do? Why does it always have to come down to one candidate who represents Keynesian (redistributive) economics and another candidate who represents the modern christian church's version of Sharia Law?loadedliberal wrote:This is why I have such a problem with so many in the GOP they say they are for small government but they are really for "their" version of big government. I am leaning heavily toward Gary Johnson, but I do not think he stands a chance.dicion wrote:Well, if Bachmann wasn't a non-candidate before, she just signed her campaign's death knell.
http://minnesotaindependent.com/83979/b ... -president" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I just want a governement that keeps the roads/bridges in good shape, runs a strong military, puts those who victimize others away, and...............well, that's about all I want the government to do, we Americans can handle the rest.