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by 67N20
Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:04 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Interview ?
Replies: 44
Views: 5559

Re: Interview ?

Beiruty wrote:This week I got a young man clean cut with 3 rings binder. His story, he is an employee from platinum co subdivision of GE who would to offer security system upgrade for FREE including cell phone module, morion detectors, etc. As long as we post their sign in the front yard and we are vocal about their system. I asked him to see his litratue docs and it seemed legit. However, he asked for entry in my house to explain the offer. I rufused to let him and he was insisting for letting him in. I got spooked and told him I am not interested.

Was my home being cased or just an honest young guy he wants to make a buck?
I had a couple of guys from the same company at my residence a couple of months ago. I told them repeatedly that I would listen to their spiel as along as their product wouldn't cost more per month for monitoring than I currently pay. Their main point of sale is that the monitoring was done by cell phone towers, not a land line so any bad guys couldn't cut the phone line to disable the alarm. They promised to upgrade what I had and then told me the monthly fee was going to run about $15 more per month for monitoring. I sent them on their way, mostly because I had asked them several times what I was going have to pay and they kept implying that it was going to be "about the same" as what I was currently paying.

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