Are you aware that the wall is already a matter of law? The law states that the wall will be built. It even provides the funding to build the wall. Both Cruz and Trump support building the wall. The difference between them is that after Trump has spent the money to deport all the illegals, then he plans on using an "expedited process" (his words) to bring "the good ones" (his words) back in. Cruz would deport them and then they can get in line like YOU did to come into the country legally.parabelum wrote:And if The Great Wall of China that was built 206 BC that stretches 13000 miles or so is feasible, I think the our wall is a no brainier.
I get that people are mad, irate even, at what the federal government is doing. But it makes absolutely no sense to put a man into office that has no clue how to run a government and no core principles to guide him. Did you know that Trump stole his motto, "Make America Great Again" from Ronald Reagan? That he stole his immigration plan from Ted Cruz? Yes, the wall, triple the border guard, enforce the law - all part of Cruz's plan articulated in 2011. Are you aware that every single poll shows Trump LOSING to Hillary Clinton? That no one in the history of the country with unfavorables as high as Trump's are has EVER won a Presidential election?
Trump is a very accomplished promoter. He promotes himself. Many people fall for it, but not nearly enough to win a Presidential election.
I noticed you didn't read my article proving that Cruz has never flip flopped on immigration, so I'll just ask you this. Can you point to the place in the video you posted where Cruz said, "I support legalization of illegal aliens" or words to that effect? (I guarantee you can't, but try it anyway.)