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by baldeagle
Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:32 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote:And if The Great Wall of China that was built 206 BC that stretches 13000 miles or so is feasible, I think the our wall is a no brainier.
Are you aware that the wall is already a matter of law? The law states that the wall will be built. It even provides the funding to build the wall. Both Cruz and Trump support building the wall. The difference between them is that after Trump has spent the money to deport all the illegals, then he plans on using an "expedited process" (his words) to bring "the good ones" (his words) back in. Cruz would deport them and then they can get in line like YOU did to come into the country legally.

I get that people are mad, irate even, at what the federal government is doing. But it makes absolutely no sense to put a man into office that has no clue how to run a government and no core principles to guide him. Did you know that Trump stole his motto, "Make America Great Again" from Ronald Reagan? That he stole his immigration plan from Ted Cruz? Yes, the wall, triple the border guard, enforce the law - all part of Cruz's plan articulated in 2011. Are you aware that every single poll shows Trump LOSING to Hillary Clinton? That no one in the history of the country with unfavorables as high as Trump's are has EVER won a Presidential election?

Trump is a very accomplished promoter. He promotes himself. Many people fall for it, but not nearly enough to win a Presidential election.

I noticed you didn't read my article proving that Cruz has never flip flopped on immigration, so I'll just ask you this. Can you point to the place in the video you posted where Cruz said, "I support legalization of illegal aliens" or words to that effect? (I guarantee you can't, but try it anyway.)
by baldeagle
Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:19 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote: We will just have to agree to disagree Mojo.

Cruz flip flopped as well, and no, that doesn't mean that two wrongs make a right.
No, he did not. That's a lie that Rubio has spread around and a lot of people have believed.
parabelum wrote:All of the enmity towards Trump in this thread ought to be directed at Hillary.
Trump did everything that RNC wanted him to do, and now that he's pulling ahead they are in panic trying desperately to pull the rug from underneath him.

As far as "my level of respect towards Cruz and his supporters just went down a notch"
comment; Well, the sentiment I'm getting from this thread is that no matter what Trump does will be enough for Cruz supporters to coalesce around him if and when he gets the nomination, and that's disturbing as it will surely hand the WH over to HRC, ensuring the slow dance of death for our Country.
We've already had one male pig in the White House (Bill Clinton), we don't need another one. When Trump refused to denounce the KKK he alienated a LOT of people. The Dems have worked hard to brand the GOP and conservatives as racists, and Trump handed that issue to them on a silver platter. If we don't defeat Trump in the primaries, he will lose in the general. He has provided the Dems with enough fodder to shoot him down a hundred times, and the media won't be so friendly to him once he gets the nomination. They're already turning on him.

I don't want a foul mouthed Andrew Dice Clay for President, and there are millions of conservatives who feel the same way. If we're going to destroy the country, we might as well get on with it and elect Hillary.
by baldeagle
Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:53 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

Like TAM, I am done with both parties. Let them and the country rot. That seems to be what Americans want. On the right, the leading candidate is a pathological liar and a scam artist and yet he's very popular with many voters. On the left you have a pathological liar who is a detestable person and could care less about the Constitution. So America seems to be making its choices, and the decline and the destruction of the country will continue. But it will continue without me. Ted Cruz is by far the finest candidate I've seen in my lifetime. Yet people complain about his looks, his voice, his expressions of his beliefs, and a thousand other excuses. The voters are vapid and and make their decisions based on everything else but the Constitution. FIne, but don't expect me to go along with it. And if I've insulted anyone, too bad. I am miles and miles away from giving a single hoot what anything thinks of me and thoroughly disgusted with the American people. They are surrounded with the greatest freedom mankind has ever known and not only do they not care, they are actively working to destroy it.
by baldeagle
Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote:
I think you know that I'm very skeptical and cynical person Charles. It is not something that I'm proud of, but that's who I am.

I trust nobody and nothing except for my Lord and the scripture.

I don't listen to sound bytes only, although there are sound bytes of Trump at NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, Trump at the border, Trump taking on Immigration issues with very specific solutions, Trump on 2A issues with great specificity, Trump on backing our Veterans and LE, Trump outlining specific details on destroying ISIS etc. etc.
Would you mind providing some of those? Because I'm not aware of any specificity on any issue Trump has raised except build a wall that Mexico pays for without explaining HOW he'll get Mexico to pay for it. I haven't heard him say anything about 2A except he's better than everyone else on 2A (which is his standard line for everything) and it wasn't that long ago that he supported an "assault weapons" ban.
parabelum wrote:Now, I challenge anyone to look at the Millions this man gave to Veteran groups, Churches, special needs children and their families, the fortune he spent in the 70's rebuilding dilapidated parts of NYC that were overrun by gangs and crime and he turned those neighborhoods into affordable units for middle class Americans, cleaning the streets. This was before it was fashionable to build in NYC.
Where do you get this information? It's my understanding that Trump never donated to veteran groups until his stunt in Iowa, and only three veteran groups have received any funds at all ($100,000 each) from the $6 million he supposedly raised.

The Trump you describe is not the one that I'm familiar with, and I have done a lot of research.
by baldeagle
Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote:
dale blanker wrote: Mitt or Sarah, where are you when we need you? :confused5
Mitt is busy bashing Trump these days. Sarah actually endorsed Trump, so, DT was good enough for her.

I've said before and I'll say it again; ANY person on the elephant side is better then commie or the criminal.
In the general election, DT has the highest chances of winning, incidentally.
I've heard a lot of people say that, but the facts don't back it up.

Five Thirty Eight is one of the best sites I've ever found for discussing statistical analysis. They show that Trump has almost zero chance of winning. ... one-chart/

To give you an idea of his chances, he is more hated, nationally, than Al Sharpton. Think Sharpton could ever get elected?

Gallup says he has the highest unfavorability rating of any Presidential candidate ever. ... r-recorded

Trump will not win the general. 28% of REPUBLICANS say they will never vote for him. To give you an idea how bad it is, a poll of people regardless of party affiliation found that Trump was by far the least liked candidate in the general election. Taking into account Republicans, Independents and Democrats, Trump scored a MINUS 70. Cruz, by comparison, scores a PLUS 11 and Carson scores a PLUS 26. Rubio has a PLUS 22.

Trump supporters keep saying that he will win in a landslide, but there is no evidence that is true and TONS of evidence that the opposite is true. They have gotten the false impression of Trump's electability because of his polls and wins. The fact is he loses to both Rubio and Cruz in head to head competition. IOW, he can't even win the GOP nomination in a one on one competition. If he can't do that, he's not going to beat Hillary. ... le/2578095

If you really want to win in November and keep Hillary out of the White House, I would think long and hard about supporting Trump. He will lose.
by baldeagle
Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33114

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote:I think Ted is a decent guy. He has no chance in general election however. Just my opinion.
Too many drones floating in the electorate these days.

By the way, fact that he retained his Canadian citizenship until just recently really irks me, as I renounced mine the second I was eligible for US citizenship.

For those who'd say "it doesn't bother me...", would you feel the same if he kept Iraqi or UAE citizenship while serving as your Texas Senator?

Anyways...all on the republican side are better then commie and the criminal.
You'll probably claim he was making excuses, but he said that he wasn't even aware he had Canadian citizenship until it was pointed out to him. He was born in Canada are received citizenship by birth. If his parents never discussed the subject with him, how would he know about it? They moved back to Houston when he was four, so I doubt they would have discussed citizenship with him that early. Once they moved back home, why would the subject come up?

It's entirely plausible to me that he's telling the truth.

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