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by baldeagle
Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:46 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Police Commandeer Homes, Get Sued
Replies: 23
Views: 4039

Re: Police Commandeer Homes, Get Sued

E.Marquez wrote:When I read inflammatory story's like this, even when they fit my preconceived notion of what I believe. I also think.... this is only one side.... every story has three sides, them, the other them, and somewhere in between the truth.

I want to get upset at what i read in the OP..... but know there is always more to the story.... (ive been bit by that right here in this forum on at least one occasion)
While I agree completely with your sentiment, and it's always wise advice, I wonder if this story is as inflammatory as you think? The story seems replete with quotes from a court pleading. IANAL, but I don't think you can lie about the facts in a court pleading, can you? When you're representing certain facts to a court, you can make grandiose claims about how your client has suffered, but I don't think you can misrepresent material facts. As an officer of the court, aren't those things sworn to with regard to their accuracy?

On a side note, is there something in the water in Nevada? It seems the cops there are not like our cops here.
by baldeagle
Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:41 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Police Commandeer Homes, Get Sued
Replies: 23
Views: 4039

Re: Police Commandeer Homes, Get Sued

texanjoker wrote:
MechAg94 wrote:Is federal court the right venue for this?

I assume this is the homeowners version but it is pretty horrible.

Don't know about this alleged incident, but you always should sue the police in federal court.
Huh? Why is that?

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