While I agree completely with your sentiment, and it's always wise advice, I wonder if this story is as inflammatory as you think? The story seems replete with quotes from a court pleading. IANAL, but I don't think you can lie about the facts in a court pleading, can you? When you're representing certain facts to a court, you can make grandiose claims about how your client has suffered, but I don't think you can misrepresent material facts. As an officer of the court, aren't those things sworn to with regard to their accuracy?E.Marquez wrote:When I read inflammatory story's like this, even when they fit my preconceived notion of what I believe. I also think.... this is only one side.... every story has three sides, them, the other them, and somewhere in between the truth.
I want to get upset at what i read in the OP..... but know there is always more to the story.... (ive been bit by that right here in this forum on at least one occasion)
On a side note, is there something in the water in Nevada? It seems the cops there are not like our cops here.