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by baldeagle
Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

gringo pistolero wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
S_3 wrote:
jmra wrote:I don't see how anyone could ask for more. :thumbs2:
I do. At minimum, I ask them to apply the same rules to NY cops that NY cops apply to citizens.
This is what's wrong with America. You're blaming the cops
Where did he blame the police? All I see in him asking Magpul to apply the same rules to police and plumbers.

What's really wrong with America is people who think government employees shouldn't have to follow the same rules as the citizens who pay for the salaries and pensions and perks of those government employees. :nono:
I ask them to apply the same rules to NY cops that NY cops apply to citizens.

The NY cops didn't make those rules. The politicians did. The cops are charged with enforcing the law. They don't get to pick and choose which laws they enforce without consequences to their careers and lives.
by baldeagle
Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:36 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

S_3 wrote:
jmra wrote:I don't see how anyone could ask for more. :thumbs2:
I do. At minimum, I ask them to apply the same rules to NY cops that NY cops apply to citizens.
This is what's wrong with America. You're blaming the cops for something the politicians did. Put the blame where it rightly belongs. Many New York cops have spoken out against the law, including the Sheriff's Association.
by baldeagle
Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:47 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

DevilDawg wrote:I will refrain from responding to the personal attacks from the valued members as it won't benefit the thread or add anything of value to the board as a whole. As to the rest I wish you the best and enjoy the products. I can't help those that have no desire to learn.
Translation: I won't respond to what I consider to be personal attacks except to get one last dig in myself, you dummies.

Thanks for clearing that up for us.
by baldeagle
Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:17 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

DevilDawg wrote:Back to the Traitors of the 2nd:
No, I don't dislike the products for form or function. I do however refuse to support or give credit to a company that is tricking people into thinking they support your 2nd rights.

First they come out and declare they are on our side, "we stand with you little people against this unjust ban". The sheeple can't wait to sing the praises of the almighty Magpul.. A big company finally on our side

Next, "we still won't sell to you little people, but we need that LEO money to make the quarter profitable. No you won't have a legit need to use these defending you and yours. Only the LEO faces danger worthy of our products.
What on earth are you talking about? When did Magpul ever say they wouldn't sell their products to civilians?

Don't blame gun manufacturers for what politicians have done. That's silly in the extreme.

I suppose you think what they should do is ignore the laws that have passed and ship their product to the affected states anyway. Of course what you have chosen to ignore is that every shipment they sent would make a person in that state a criminal not because Magpul did anything wrong but because the person who ordered their products violated the laws of their state.

Direct your anger where it truly belongs. At the traitorous politicians who are stealing our rights. You seem to have deluded yourself into thinking that somehow Magpul has the power to make these politicians change their minds.
DevilDawg wrote:.. Now the horde riots, Magpul must make hasty announcement to correct this horrible direction overnight internet power created
Again, what in the world are you talking about?

Magpul has been very clear about where they stand. If the law passes in CO, they leave. They will sell to individual LEOs and MIL personnel but not to agencies in the affected states.
On the other side of this, we have seen the efforts of the Larimer County Sheriff and others in the CO Sheriffs’ Association, who have been incredible advocates for the Second Amendment here in the fight we are currently in. If a ban passes, these guys would be the ones hurt, and the politicians wouldn’t care. They would also be on our side. On the same front, about 600 of the NYSP have come out in protest of the NY SAFE act and in support of responsible Citizens and the 2A, at the risk of losing their jobs, their retirement, and the safety of their families. Are these the guys that we want to punish? Lumping all individual officers together and wanting to punish them all is no different than politicians who want to punish responsible Citizens for the behavior of criminals. Would a check box on the LE/MIL order form affirming 2A support for all Citizens make a difference? How many out there click on “I Accept” for terms and agreements before an iOS update without reading or caring what they are? Would anyone NOT click such a box? Chuck Schumer would even click that box if he was trying to order PMAGs. (We wouldn’t ship that one.)
I think you're just jealous because LEOs are getting "special" treatment. You seem to have forgotten that they are putting their lives on the line every day while you and I are are shooting paper targets at the range or hunting animals that don't shoot back.
DevilDawg wrote:Lets drag up a poster reflecting a time when the USA really did something great, and use it so all the people we are about to lose as customers in our own state will buy up 90days worth in a week. We look like we are supporting the little people, but this ad campaign has to make us look cool even on facebook. The poster being an outstanding psyop campaign from WWII in case some need me to drill it down even further.

... The horde now sing the praise of MAgpul, even as the company espouses the next day the 4th message

And finally coming out with the proclomation that as a vet the CEO is really all about you little people, but he just can't deny the LEO/Mil market. All under the guise that if a LEO will "pinky-swear" not to use those products in true ghestapo fashion while rounding up the peons they will continue to sell them.
That's a bit hyperbolic, don't you think? Traitors? Ghestapo[sic]? They have ceased sales to LEO in the affected states until they can figure out how to create a program that they would feel comfortable selling to them under, and only for personal purchase, not departmental. LEOs are citizens too, you know. Would you deny them purchases simply because they wear a uniform? Have you forgotten that LEOs are the ones taking on the heavily armed criminals every day while you and I sit in our comfortable homes complaining about the way things are going?

What have you done to defend the 2nd Amendment besides complaining about Magpul? Have you refused to travel to any of the affected states? Have you ceased purchasing any and all products that are manufactured or sold in those states? Or are you holding Magpul to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
DevilDawg wrote:If people are too dense to see the truth behind the marketing ploy then I can't make it anymore clear for you.
Yeah, we're all quite dense here. We need your enlightenment. But you're going to have to spell it out a lot clearer than this mishmash if you want us dummies to understand you.

Or maybe what you are saying is quite clear. You're blaming Magpul for what politicians have done and you somehow think they could wave their magic wand and make it all go away, if they just weren't such traitors to the 2nd Amendment. Isn't that about it?

EDIT: Just to be clear, I don't own any Magpul products nor have I ever.
by baldeagle
Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:20 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

TAM, I think he's a milspec metal fanboy. Bet he hates Glocks too.
by baldeagle
Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:24 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Magpul LEO Sales
Replies: 34
Views: 4538

Re: Magpul LEO Sales

This is an example of how important our oath is to most veterans. It should also tell you something about how we conduct ourselves in combat. So when you read stories about atrocities in Vietnam, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, weigh those stories in that light. Yes, there are atrocities committed by members of our armed forces, but they are decidedly not the norm.

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