If you're going to shoot into a flash mob, you'd better have plenty of ammo and be a really good shot. Even with thirty rounds into thirty targets, you're still going to be dealing with a number of others that you can't shoot (because you're out of ammo) who will now be intent on doing you serious damage.Bob in Big D wrote:This may fall under the catagory of what happens when this "flash Mob" encounters someone with a gun that starts blasting away? Besides the 7or so shot unless the shooter reloads......would the shooter be justified? I am thinking the shooter is the good guy because the mob is intent on robbing, beating, etc.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/10/fl ... otivation/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The way I see it you have the following options: escape if at all possible. If that's not possible, find a small area to retreat into that limits the number of people that can get to you at one time and doesn't allow anyone to get behind you, like a one door store entrance. (They like to hit you over the head from behind with blunt objects.) Ideally that area will also provide you some cover. Then draw your weapon, yell that you will shoot anyone that advances, and stand your ground. Be prepared for someone in the mob to be armed and perhaps fire first. Conserve ammo. You're gonna need it. Only fire when absolutely necessary. And call 911 immediately. Get the police on scene ASAP. They will be your saviors, if you make it.
Flash mobs should be avoided if at all possible. Even if you have to leave valuables behind.