The more I read and hear what is going on within this Nation, I intentionally step back from saying Union, the more I am disgusted and frightened. More than half of the people/voters chose this lot, that is now actively engaged in not only taking away our rights, but also fully violating the constitution. What do we do? We vote, we are actively involved, but it doesn't make a bit of difference. The Statists, Takers and Eaters outnumber those who believe in self reliance and what was once considered American morality. The mask is off of those who fully intend on destroying, what I consider to be the essence of what the U.S. stood for. I believe we have devolved into two camps, State worshipers, usually urban/Europeanized socialists against those who follow a God, or at least an ideal of self worth, usually those who hold traditional rural values. Again what do we do? We are outnumbered and outspent. We don't want Government intrusion; we just want to be left alone.
I know it isn't a correct thought, but with us so divided, isn't that word (secession) the only move left? We cannot vote the National leadership out and we aren't a fringe movement, but we are a substantial minority. Most of the States, usually rural, vote conservative, but the ones who do, do not count, there is not enough people. The urban states win, they can't grow their own food, or mine materials, but they do want and demand their want's, which to the Politico's, transfers into needs. This Nation's takers, although they say they are poor, have almost as much as the wealthy, large screen T.V.s, Government Cell Phones, with plenty to eat? Still the takers say they are oppressed and demand more and more. And to get more, they are willing to vote for and give up as much freedom as the Statist's want. The same with those urban eaters, they don't produce nothing, they have guaranteed themselves jobs, by controlling the movements/sales of food/material.
The majority of the takers and eaters are willing to give the state full control. I don't know why as it is fully foreign to me. Gun control? Got it. Unconstitutional detention? Its yours. I used to think it was due to their ignorance or in the case of the progressive, their feelings. But, now I believe they are fully cognizant of what they are doing and who they are destroying.
The communists, first goals are the destruction of faith in a higher power, the destruction of the rural independent farmer, full gun control and the control of people's movements. We used to make jokes about the Nazi Gestapo stopping people and asking for their papers. Now we do it. Stalin starved to death the Ukrainian Kulaks and Mao intentionally killed the rural landlords and the independent landowner. They made even the access to guns a capitol crime as they understood that an armed populace would not continence what they were soon to do. All of the communists attacked and killed those who followed a higher faith, especially Christians. One has to absolutely accept the state as the only power, for everything. No one, outside of these Nations complained, especially our very own intelligentsia. They still do not complain about the communists and their excesses. Now look at our own nation and the laws they espouse. One cannot conduct a Christian prayer within our Nation's military, our Schools, and all Government, as it might offend one person. They do the Orwellian thing in all of their rules. Everything is accomplished with the courts or by fiat, not votes. Gays are considered a protected species/oppressed minority; it is a hate crime to even say differently? You must accept their business, even if what they do is repugnant to you and for the previous thousands of years to society as a whole. I read that now you will have to hire previous Felons, another soon to be protected class. Illegals, another protected class. Although I find Abortion repugnant, I have to help subsidize it with my taxes or go to jail. Gun proponents are being transposed into the same arena as pedophiles. If you are Christian, forget about it; you are responsible for the Crusades, the Inquisition, American slavery, and the massacres of the American Indian. School Teachers are espousing all of the above. The Media is no longer independent. What is left for those of us who believe in individual responsibility and limited Government?
So the bottom line is, we already have two countries within this one, we are just waiting for an articulate leader to recognize this fact, organize and complete this schism; I pray nonviolently. I also know this missive was kind of disjointed, but it is my thoughts, I also wish I was as articulate as TAM and others.
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- by DEB
- Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:07 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: Oregon drafting draconian AWB
- Replies: 30
- Views: 1941
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