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by thatguy
Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:32 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The arms room
Replies: 61
Views: 17991

Re: The arms room

We will make exceptions for LEO's right now but even with just them bringing shotguns, everyone else feels that they should also.

We may go with a variance, but not at this time.

by thatguy
Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:28 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The arms room
Replies: 61
Views: 17991

Re: The arms room

mrvmax wrote:
XinTX wrote:Now shotguns are prohibited. Seems like they tried limiting shotguns to slugs only, but the yahoos kept bringing in birdshot anyway. Pity. Was thinkng of looking for a slug gun.
I'm not sure why the RO doesn't handle this, maybe they are too busy. I've only been there once and I am amazed at how many people hit everything but the target. There are bullet holes and marks all down the range.
As one of the CRSO's at TAR I confess it is very difficult for some of our fellow shooters to understand common sense. We usually have at least one RO, if not two, on duty at all times but you just can't fix stupid. So we prioritize our time, of course safety being at the top of the list.

As far as the shotgun ban goes, that policy was based on the willful misconduct by a select few who flat out lied about not having bird shot (which is hard on the target carrier wiring).

If we come up with a viable "fix" then we may reconsider but it will be a hard sell to Mr James.

I have had flashes of brilliance...however brief
by thatguy
Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:58 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: The arms room
Replies: 61
Views: 17991

Re: The arms room

I went to The Arm's Room last night to help out as a part time RSO because they are staying so busy and it is on the way home from work. The place is great. The staff is very friendly and helpful which I believe comes from the owners, Mary and Bill James, who are just really fine people. Then ventalation system is the best of any indoor range I have been in. I wish them all the best.

Remember....the "perfect" carry gun is the one you have on you.

Brian Mobley

CHL Instructor, RSO, NRA-Pistol, NRA-PPIH" onclick=";return false;

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