I suspect that this problem (being almost unenforceable) covers other distracted driving issues. As others have said, I give my full attention to driving while I'm doing it and one of the things that I try to do is be aware of possible distractions to the drivers around me. I take immediate evasive actions if I don't like what I see and I credit my not being involved in a couple of accidents which I got a chance to witness to my actions. After doing this for a while, I can spot distracted drivers quickly and I work to stay away from them. It isn't always cell phones as I've seen book readers, people with clip boards over the steering wheel and, for me the worse, someone driving and having an animated, hand waving conversation with someone else in the car. I doubt that a police officer could make a distracted driving charge stick with one of the hand waving talkers but I think they are a more serious threat than some of the texters.
I would like to see some stats on accidents. I would also like to see the results of citations published. I would personally use the information to try to influence people that I know to drive safe. We can all be PSAs in the right circumstances.