That is the exact problem with Strauss' control. Most of the stuff that the Dems don't want passed, he kills in committee. Sometimes, I wondered if it wasn't to provide cover for many of his cronies who were elected in Conservative areas. But as the article points out, his corny list was gutted in the last couple of elections (I'm proud to say that I was a participant in a couple of those)mojo84 wrote:He's asking for he legislature to play a shell game in order to appease the "gun nuts" by passing a law that is easily circumvented using built in loopholes. Make us think we are making 2nd Amendment progress when in practicality, nothing is being done.
The citizens and voters are too stupid to know any difference.
I'm hoping that Charles' new full time effort is enough to prevent Strauss from gutting or compromising in ways that leave us worse off than today. I remain fearful about the impact to CC that some of the proposed bills might have and about the amendments that could be proposed to even the good bills that would neutralize them the way that a broad opt out provision would likely geld campus carry. I don't think that it is a matter of the citizens being to stupid as much as it is the Strauss controlled representatives that they elected not following their wishes. The pressure not to elect Strauss is very strong and yet all of this area's "Conservative" leaders have openly come out for Strauss this time. His power is not to be underestimated.