cb1000rider wrote:
"Border Security"
Personally, I don't want a larger tax bill that is associated with even more marginal results. Especially since once you're 100 miles or so off the border, you're in the clear.. As long as there are jobs here there will be people who work around our border security. Start arresting the political interests (business owners/leaders) that hire illegals and I'll believe that someone is serious about it... Until we enforce the laws that are on the books, it's all just political pandering to please a demographic. Someone tell me why we should spend billions more to lock down the border when we openly hire illegals in every city in Texas? That makes zero sense.
Republicans need to watch out. As the legitimate Hispanic population grows in Texas, so will their political influence. It might be a good idea to play the long game here, because that demographic is coming, like it or not. The Democrats are taking advantage already.
I shouldn't have mentioned the border issue because we've drifted this thread further than I intended. The point that I was trying to make was that the compromise seems pretty one sided. In Texas, the 2nd Amendment has been compromised a lot more than it ever should have been and we are only slowly clawing are way back to what the Framers intended.
The OP is trying to recover something that was lost in some sort of a bizarre compromise and never should have been at the Federal level. I'm legal to have my CC all over a National park but I become a homicidal maniac as soon as I'm inside? We went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and sat a few feet from a Park Ranger for over an hour while he provided a lot of interesting information. Yet he needs protection from me if we both go inside the lodge building because I'm just going to freak out with my gun. While I'm legal to carry in all the surrounding stores, if I go to the Post Office, I'm going to start shooting the Federal employees - the same ones that come to my house - where I can legally open carry - to deliver my mail? I'm legal to carry in Yellowstone but not around Grapevine Lake? Those aren't compromises, they are simply attempts to place more and more restrictions on something that is guaranteed.
We may be in Legislative deadlock for the next century. What that means to me is that I never may be able to CC in the Post Office but there also won't be any more knee jerk Sandy Hook type infringements. That is my idea of compromise.