I believe that this is all following the original design. The architects of this travesty wanted a single payer system. They knew that the single payer setup would not be accepted by the public so they orchestrated a collapse of the current system, creating the single payer option as the only option. They knew that it would take a catastrophic result to gain the missing acceptance.baldeagle wrote:http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/op ... U80hDpcKZP
Children won't be covered, insurance rates will skyrocket and many employer-based insurance plans will be dropped - that's according to federal agencies, not partisans.The central parts of ObamaCare don’t roll out until 2014, but the wheels are already falling off this clunker. The latest news from four federal agencies is that 1) insurance will be a lot less affordable than Americans were led to expect, 2) fewer people than promised will get insurance and 3) millions of people who have coverage through a job now will lose it, thanks to the president’s “reforms.” Oh, and children are the biggest victims.
The sad part is that they will likely succeed in blaming the collapse on the "greedy insurance companies" and others. There are often threads that talk about the lack of personal responsibility today. This is an example of the lack of governmental responsibility. It makes me sick to my stomach.